Three Tips for Helping Your Child Deal with Anger

Anger is a natural emotion that everyone feels and expresses at times. Anger can feel intense or be difficult to tolerate or manage, especially when the person experiencing it isn't sure what is going on.  If you notice that your child appears to become angry easily or frequently, here are three tips that you can use for understanding, guidance and support....

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Four Ways to Improve Your Clarity of Mind

Achieving “clarity of mind” is the act of clearing your head of the clutter that comes with extraneous or uncontrolled thoughts or mental "noise". When you are operating from a place of clarity, it allows you to see things more clearly, be open to new ideas, and to thoughtfully organize your reactions and responses...

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The 3 R's for a Happy and Healthy New Year

Now that the holiday festivities have ended, you are probably excited to start a brand new year. Maybe 2016 did not go as you expected and you are eager for the journey that awaits you in the new year. This can be a time to reset, refresh and re-evaluate your life and the goals you would like to achieve. Read about the 3 R's that can help you make it happen!

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3 Simple Mental Health Boosters for the New Year

At the end of each year, many people like to reflect on accomplishments and potential improvements for next year. Whether you call them goals or intentions, here are 3 tips that can benefit your mental health for the start of a new year...

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New Year's Resolutions? Don't Bother!

We all have things we want to change in our lives.  A New Year’s Resolution seems like a decent way to kick off the year and set some new personal goals. However, time and again we end up disappointing ourselves.

So, if you are ready to make some lasting changes, here is the answer....

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Five Ways to Beat Holiday Stress

Although the holidays can be joyous, they can also be stressful. This year you can prepare yourself with these helpful tips to prevent holiday stress...


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Using your Breath to Reduce Anxiety

By shifting our breathing pattern, we can have a profound effect on our body's parasympathetic nervous system - the center of our nervous system that's responsible for slowing our heart rates and creating a calming response.

Here are three breathing techniques that can ease your anxiety and produce calm...

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Mindful Eating in Four Easy Steps

Do you find yourself mindlessly eating; that is, eating food without actually tasting it, eating on the go, putting anything in your mouth that you think will satisfy you in that moment without thinking about the consequences?  If so, these four simple steps can help you learn and practice mindful eating....

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3 Simple Strategies for Holiday Self-Care

The holidays are a very exciting time of year. It is a time for families to come together, to enjoy company, and an opportunity to reflect on the past year and make plans for positive changes. It can also be a stressful time and might be associated with high expectations of self and others as well as an overwhelming to-do list. Here are three tips for practicing self care during the holidays...

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Seasonal Affective Disorder - Signs and Symptoms

Depression that occurs during Fall or Winter and improves during Spring and Summer is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD).  The cyclical nature of SAD is what distinguishes it from other types of Depressive Disorders such as Major Depression or Dysthymia.  Read on for more information about signs and symptoms of SAD....

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Staying Peaceful in Times of Chaos

In this time of emotional upheaval and turmoil, it is important to remember that we can affect the outcome of our personal experiences by choosing to practice peace over stress.  The tools are within us.  Here are four helpful tips for staying peaceful in times of chaos...

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Seven Ways to Cultivate Gratitude

Some definitions of gratitude are "a feeling of appreciation or thanks" or "the quality of being thankful."  Human beings were originally created to survive, with a built-in fight or flight response, therefore we aren't hard-wired to be grateful.  Studies show that practicing gratitude can have a very positive effect on our health, happiness and social lives.  Here are seven simple ways to cultivate gratitude in your life today...

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One Easy Way to Curb Emotional Eating

Eating is an essential part of our day. We eat for energy, nourishment, enjoyment, and literally can not survive without it. Many people struggle with overeating, whether it is due to eating mindlessly, or feeling they can not leave any food left on their plate. Some of these people fall into a category of emotional eating. Read on to learn about one easy way to curb your emotional eating......

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8 Quick Self-Care Strategies for College Students

Although college can be a wonderful experience for students, many struggle with prioritizing time to incorporate self- care into their daily routines.  Read on to learn 8 quick strategies for improving your self-care and overall contentment.....

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Is Your Thinking Causing Your Negative Results?

A self-fulfilling prophecy = a prediction bound to become true as a result of behavior caused by its being expressed.  Read on to see if your thinking could be causing your own negative outcomes....

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Strategies to Help You Thrive During Your Freshman Year

The transition to college can be stressful and overwhelming. Here are some helpful tips for your or a college student you know to make the process more manageable...

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Four Ways to Create a Work/Life Balance with a Growing Family


            Starting a family is an incredibly exciting time. It can also feel stressful and overwhelming due to major changes that will take place in your own life, your partner's and your relationship. Here are four easy tips to help parents who decide to return to work after having a baby....

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Friendships through Social Media: The New Reality

Kids today have increased access to relationships outside of people they encounter in their neighborhood, sports team or school. So how do we accept today’s reality regarding social media and friendships while also keeping our kids safe and ourselves sane? It’s tricky to navigate - continue reading for a few helpful suggestions...

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Emotions: Why Do We Need Them?

Emotions can be difficult to understand. As a therapist, clients frequently ask, “What is the point of having emotions?” Most people understand joy and love but can also struggle with the complexity of and pain associated with negative feelings such as sadness or anger or fear.  And many people would prefer not to have to experience them at all!  So why do we need them?...

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Are you Really Ready to Change?

Studies of change have found that people move through a series of stages when modifying their behavior.  Change is not a black and white process - there are levels or stages to it.  Here is some helpful information about the five stages of change.  Where do you fit in?...

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Danna Markson, LCSW