Posts in Therapists
Debunking Myths About Therapy

In a world increasingly valuing mental health, it's time to clear the fog surrounding common misconceptions about therapy. Understanding the truth is the first step toward a brighter, more resilient, and mentally healthy future.

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Make the Most of Virtual Therapy

Telehealth or teletherapy sessions are part of the new normal. Now you can meet with a professional from the comfort of your home if you don’t like a traditional office setting. Or, you can see a therapist whose office isn’t within driving distance. While teletherapy is great for those reasons, it can have its drawbacks as well. Some people feel it’s not as personable or that it’s difficult to make virtual therapy sessions run smoothly compared to in-person. If you feel that teletherapy is the best fit for you, you can still get just as much out of it as traditional therapy sessions. You can avoid virtual therapy pitfalls by properly preparing yourself. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of teletherapy…

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Does your Child Need to See a Therapist?

Parenting can be a roller coaster of a ride. As a parent, you’re there for all the tantrums, the proud smiles, the hugs, as well as the arguments. As these behaviors fluctuate with age, so do your worries over time. What’s considered typical behavior for a young child may become a sign of concern if it’s still demonstrated as a teenager. Over time, it become more challenging to keep up with your child’s evolving need. How do you help when you see your child struggling emotionally? When is it time to seek help from a therapist? Here are some signs and tips to consider…

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How to Share Concerns with your Child's Therapist

Is your child currently in therapy? Are you interested in therapy for your child? If so, it’s likely that you’ll want to share your concerns about your child with your child’s therapist. You may have concerns surrounding how they’re performing in school, behaviors that you’re seeing at home, or just general information you feel the therapist should know as the therapeutic process unfolds. It is completely normal for you to want to share, and there is an appropriate way to do so. The goal is to be able to articulate your point of view with their therapist while respecting your child’s perspective as well. Consider these three points when discussing treatment with your child’s therapist…

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Why Asking for Therapy is a Superpower!

May is Mental Health Awareness month and raising awareness starts with you. Did you know that asking for therapy is one of the best things you can do for yourself or a family member? You might even call it a superpower! Think about it: you wouldn’t hesitate to treat a physical illness like a broken bone. Mental health is no different! Therapy is an opportunity to explore who you are while taking control of your own mental health and wellness. Here are some key reasons why asking for therapy can be so worthwhile...

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The Inside Scoop About Online Therapy

Have you ever wondered what online therapy is like? Like many businesses lately, Mindsoother transitioned to telehealth, or online therapy. Therapy sessions are conducted via Zoom so that clients continue to receive the support they need, especially during these stressful times. The pandemic and its repercussions have caused many people to experience heightened negative emotions. When our lives are upended, it’s normal to feel more anxious, upset, or frustrated than usual. That’s where therapists can help. Like anything that’s new, online therapy may seem daunting at first. The therapists at Mindsoother are here to ease your worries! The Mindsoother team answered some commonly asked questions about online therapy sessions. Learn about what it’s like to practice online therapy from the therapists themselves…

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The Amazing Benefits of Therapy Online

Over the past four weeks, we’ve learned that traditional in-person therapy isn’t the only effective way for us to lend support, insight and comfort to you. Online therapy works too! Simply spending dedicating time together, being with you face-to-face for 45-50 minutes, and continuing our dialogue can be effective as an in-person therapy session. If you are considering seeking mental health support right now, challenge any negative assumptions or beliefs that you have about online therapy being “not good enough” or “second best.” During COVID-19 and social distancing, our practice’s individual, family and group therapy sessions are 100% online. We believe that now, more than ever, we all need caring, compassion, support, and strategies and we are here to provide that for you 7 days a week. Interested in learning more about how online therapy works? Read more…

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What is ARFID? More Than Just "Picky Eating"

When people hear the phrase “Eating Disorder”, the more common disorders like anorexia and bulimia come to mind. However, there are actually a number of other types of eating disorders that are not as well known—but just as dangerous. One such type is ARFID, or Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. ARFID is more than just “picky eating”—it negatively impacts a person’s weight, harms his or her growth, or interferes with someone’s daily tasks. As a result of the severe eating problem, the person may not be able to get enough nutrition through his or her diet. Let’s learn more about ARFID, how it differs from picky eating, and how therapy can help those with ARFID…

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Overcoming Trauma with EMDR Therapy

Sometimes, we feel “stuck” when trying to make healthy changes in our lives. We want to change for the better, yet there’s something holding us back. It’s possible that past traumatic experiences are still affecting us. In fact, just thinking about it might bring us back to the moment as if we’re reliving it, not only remembering it. The events could have occurred long ago, yet they continue to play a role in our daily thoughts, feelings, and behaviors—whether we realize it or not. What can you do to deal with the memories more calmly? One treatment is EMDR, a form of therapy proven effective in helping people cope with trauma. Once you are able to process traumatic experiences, you can free yourself from what’s holding you back and make a change for the better. Let’s learn more about EMDR and how it works…

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Connecting with Children, from a Therapist's Perspective

Parenting can be tough at times. Sometimes, your child just won’t listen to you. It may be frustrating when you are unsure of what to do to get things to resonate. As therapists, we can offer a different perspective—perhaps one that will benefit your relationship with your child. We have learned many lessons about how to connect with children and improve their behavior through our line of work. Here are some insights to consider…

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What's it like being a Therapist?

People who are currently in therapy, and even people who have heard about therapy before, know about the experience of therapy from the client’s point of view. In an initial appointment, you’re asked a variety of questions so that the therapist can get to know you. In the following sessions, you work with the therapist to establish goals, learn strategies, and make progress towards achieving them. But have you ever wondered what it’s like being a therapist? Or what your therapist thinks of his or her job? This week in our “Ask the Therapist” series, the therapists are opening up about what they think of their careers…

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What to Expect in your First Therapy Session

Starting therapy for the first time can be nerve-racking for anyone. It’s a new experience that may push you outside of your comfort zone. At the same time, it’s a proven way to help you learn more about yourself and grow. First, be proud of yourself for having the courage to make yourself an appointment. Next, read about how people feel about therapy, and what typically occurs during a first appointment from the therapists at Mindsoother. We’re here to reassure you that you can take the first step towards self-improvement…

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Myths about the Therapy Couch

Picture a typical therapy session in your mind. It’s likely that you’re thinking of the client laying on a couch, sharing their deepest concerns and secrets with a therapist who’s taking furious notes. Here’s the thing—therapy is nothing like this. In fact, it’s a major misconception about therapy. If you’ve never tried therapy before, your knowledge about therapy is likely based on what you hear from friends or loved ones, or what you see on TV. Read more inside information from the therapists themselves, as they disprove myths about the therapy couch…

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Ask the Therapist: Talking about the Value of Therapy

The therapists at Mindsoother sat down for interviews to talk about the benefits of therapy, what their job is like, offer insider advice, and answer questions that you may have about therapy. This is the first of a multi-part series based on the interviews, giving you an inside look at what therapy is like for the client and for the therapist. The therapists started by answering questions about the value of therapy, including individual therapy, family therapy, and group therapy. Read all about therapy from the experts themselves…

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The Benefits of Group Therapy for Teens

Is your teen currently seeing a therapist, or considering therapy? Many people know about individual therapy, but have never heard about group therapy before. Group therapy brings people together who struggle with similar issues, like depression, anxiety, emotion regulation, or eating disorders, for example. It is a space for participants to connect and support one another, while learning beneficial skills from an experienced therapist. Group therapy is an option that teens in particular should consider. It can be exponentially more effective for teens than just individual therapy; here’s why…

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What to Expect during your First Therapy Session

It can be scary and overwhelming to figure out how to start seeing a therapist and book your first therapy session. Seeing a therapist should be an experience that brings you comfort; it should give you a safe space to disclose your thoughts and emotions. Once you find a therapist of your choice, you may be offered a consultation call to ensure it’s the right fit for you. Here’s an idea of what to expect during your first therapy session.

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How to Get Your Teen to Commit to Therapy

Approaching the idea of therapy with your teen can be a difficult. It may bring up the question, "what is wrong with me? or the notion that you are disappointed or that your child isn't measuring up. 

Here are four quick tips for getting your child to commit to the process....

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3 Ways to Identify if a Therapist is a Good Fit for You

Entering into therapy can be a daunting and sometimes even scary process.  Finding a therapist that you believe can understand and help you is essential to the success of the process.  

Read on for three ways to know if a therapist is a good fit for you..

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