Posts tagged anxiety
3 Ways Journaling Can Help Your Anxiety

If you find yourself dealing with anxious thoughts and not having a place to let them out or process them, journaling can be an effective way of managing those negative thoughts. When anxiety is stored in our bodies, it can create tension and increase cortisol levels which in turn, can have a negative impact on the way that we cope. One very useful tool in helping managing the anxious thoughts while providing relief is journaling. Below are three great benefits on how journaling can help with anxiety:

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Warning Signs of Anxiety

We all experience some form of anxiety in our lives. Nerves are common and worry is a natural emotion. But when does our worry become to much? How do we know if our anxiety is excessive? Here are some early warning signs for anxiety disorders, and things to look out for if you think you may want to talk to someone regarding your anxiety:

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Six Strategies to Help Manage Perfectionism in Your Home

Perfectionism can serve a purpose in each of our lives, though sometimes it causes problems and contributes to stress. It’s an exhausting pursuit that can stifle healthy risk-taking, growth, progress, and discovery.

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Anxiety and "Coming Out"

Sexual orientation makes up most of our identity, questioning that aspect of self can sometimes be anxiety inducing for a multitude of reasons. Within sexual orientation, the concept and idea of the individual coming to an understanding of who they are as a person and their sexual preference can provoke an identity crisis, which can in turn cause anxiety. It is known that the LGBTQ+ community experiences a higher risk for developing mental health disorders, especially Anxiety and Depression.

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Ways to Recognize Anxiety in Yourself and Others

For many people, feelings of anxiety can be overwhelming. It’s one thing if you feel anxious from time to time—but how do you tell the difference between feeling anxious and dealing with an anxiety disorder? Symptoms of anxiety can interfere with your life if you experience them on a regular basis, or they can make you feel uncomfortable even in doses. By recognizing when you’re experiencing anxiety, you can determine its impact on your day-to-day routine. Here are a few questions to ask yourself or a loved one. While it’s not a foolproof “anxiety screener,” it can help you identify your anxiety and better understand when it may be time to seek help…

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How to Cope with a Panic Attack

Do you sometimes experience intense moments of anxiety? If so, you’re not alone. It’s common to face moments of panic from time to time, especially if you have an anxiety disorder. Moments of panic or full-out panic attacks can happen in high-stress situations, whether you’re diagnosed with anxiety or not. They can be unpleasant, difficult to deal with, or downright debilitating. The next time you find yourself in a moment of crisis, put these helpful tips to use…

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Using your Breath to Soothe Feelings of Fear and Panic

In moments of fear and panic, you may not know what to do. Your mind is racing, your heart is beating rapidly, and you may start to sweat in response to the intense emotions. You may not realize it, but you have a tool handy at all times to reduce these powerful—and at times, overwhelming—emotions. You don’t need to pack it with you, because it automatically goes wherever you go. What is this tool, this key to soothing fear and panic? It’s your breath. Your breath is your lifeline. It sustains you without you even thinking about it, and it can help you in times of crisis too. Your breath can help regulate your body physically, mentally, and emotionally. All you have to do is be mindful of it. Here’s how it works…

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Helping your Child Overcome School Avoidance

Does your child show apprehension or refusal about going to school? If so, they’re not alone. It’s estimated that 10% of kids experience some form of school avoidance. School avoidance could show up in different ways, including significant separation anxiety from a parent, fear of being in a crowded place, social anxiety, bullying, academic challenges, and low self-esteem. When your kids refuse or do their best to avoid school at all costs, it can leave you feeling helpless or frustrated. So what can you do to help your child develop a more positive attitude towards school? Here are some helpful tips…

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The Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is a centuries-old practice that has recently made its way into the mainstream. An increasing number of people are practicing meditation at home and in groups. There are countless apps and videos claiming to undo your stress and unwind your mind. But how effective is meditation and how can you utilize this tool to help with daily stress and anxiety? Let’s dive in…

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6 Awesome Mental Health Apps

Whether you’re currently struggling with a mental health issue, or you just want to build upon your skills, everyone’s looking for ways to improve their mental health. You might think of joining a yoga class, signing up for a meditation group, or participating in another activity that brings you peace. However, you may not always have the time to do these activities consistently. This is where apps can be super helpful. Within the palm of your hand, you can have a variety of tools to boost your mental health, whether you have an hour on a weekend or 5 minutes at the end of a busy work day. Here are some apps that can help you on your mental health journey…

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How Weighted Blankets Can Alleviate Anxiety

If you struggle with anxiety or if you have ever felt overwhelmed, you may know some tricks to calm yourself down. A common tactic is to hold your hand over your chest and apply pressure, which reminds yourself to stay grounded and acts as a soothing gesture. If you’d like to amplify this calming affect, try using a weighted blanket! Weighted blankets can be very helpful to people who struggle with anxiety, panic attacks, sensory overload, and more because they are a form of pressure therapy. Applying pressure to your body, like when you hold your hand on your chest, contributes towards feelings of calm. Here’s some additional information on weighted blankets and their benefits…

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Grounding Techniques to Practice When You’re Anxious in Public

Anxiety can creep in at the most inconvenient times—like when you’re in class, when you’re out with friends or when you’re out and about in any public space. Anxiety can barge into your mind, seize the direction of your thoughts, and transport you far away from the present in an anxious tailspin. This disruption of your thoughts can pull you away from enjoying the present moment or even being able to concentrate on the task at hand. If you find yourself struggling with anxious thoughts, try practicing these grounding techniques to bring your attention back to the present…

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The Dark Side of Perfectionism

Often times, perfectionism is romanticized by our society. People are praised for being particular, hyper-detail-oriented, and exceptionally thorough in school, at home, or at the office, etc. While goal-setting and having high standards is beneficial in most settings, there can also be a dark side to perfectionism. Perfectionism can have a negative effect on people’s mental health in a variety of ways. Consider the following reasons as to why striving to be perfect can become dangerous…

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Are You Experiencing Anxiety?

Dealing with anxiety can be an overwhelming experience. Symptoms of anxiety can interfere with your life if you experience them on a regular basis, or they can make you feel uncomfortable even in doses. Luckily, recognizing when you’re experiencing anxiety and identifying when to ask for help can make a huge difference in your mental health. Consider these four ways to identify when it may be time to seek out help…

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How to Cope with Election Anxiety

It’s possible that you’re facing election-related stress. With November 3rd just around the corner, most Americans are understandably anxious. The uncertainty of who our next president will be has everyone on-edge. The first step to coping with any kind of anxiety is to acknowledge how you’re feeling. Recognize that you are feeling increasingly nervous, or more easily frustrated, or more emotionally volatile. Next, develop ways to address the impact of your emotions today, before the election, and after the election results are announced as well. What can you do to remain emotionally resilient in the days ahead? Here are some helpful tips…

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How to Help your Child Cope with School Anxiety

Kids and teens of all ages recognize that this school year is not like any year before. Whether their school year is starting off with remote, hybrid, or in-person learning, it is a major change from what they are used to. The new school year already comes with the anxieties of new classes, different classmates, new teachers, and potentially a new school. The addition of a pandemic only makes the nervousness, uncertainty, and apprehension even more intense. As a parent, you can help to ease your child’s worries. Here are some strategies to make the extra daunting transition back into a new school year more manageable…

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Rewire your Brain for Improved Well-Being during COVID-19

As humans, our brains are wired to respond to internal and external triggers so that we have the proper response to keep us safe. If we sense danger, our brains automatically shift into FIGHT OR FLIGHT mode. Panic and fear automatically trigger your brain’s threat detection, so during COVID-19, your system might go into overdrive. This is okay in the short-term, but it can take its toll on your body in the long-term. It is not healthy to be in fight or flight mode more often than necessary. Luckily, you can rewire your brain so that you’re not constantly overwhelmed by anxious or fearful thoughts or you’re not stuck in a state of mind that makes it tough to think clearly. Improve your physical and emotional well-being during this stressful time with these helpful tips…

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Practicing Gratitude to Help Cope with Crises

We’re in the midst of anxiety-provoking times. Whether you’ve dealt with anxiety before the pandemic or you’re experiencing anxious thoughts as a result of these changing times, it’s normal to experience heightened anxiety. We’re all worried about our health, the health of our family and friends, our jobs, the economy, and what the future will look like, among other things. How can we deal with all of these anxious thoughts without letting them overwhelm us? Try practicing gratitude. Gratitude is all about showing appreciation. It’s not something that we’re hard-wired to do, but it is something that we can incorporate into our daily lives in order to reap the benefits. What is gratitude all about, and how can it help you? Let’s explore…

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Teen Anxiety and Social Distancing

In the last few weeks since schools have closed and many businesses have begun working remotely, we have heard from many parents of teens with pre-existing social anxiety and/or school refusal, that their teens are thriving while sheltering in place. Whereas we hear that other parents are left at a loss, unsure how to help their teens who feel tortured from the lack of social interaction. No matter which end of the spectrum your child falls on, social distancing is a major concern for many parents. Parents are worried about the long-term effects of social distancing on their already distanced kids. How can you help your teen through this turbulent time? Here are some suggestions…

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How Mindfulness can Reduce your Teen’s Stress

Is your teen feeling overwhelmed? Are the demands of schoolwork, social activities, and extracurriculars stressing out your son or daughter? Are you looking for some much-needed relief? It’s normal for teens to feel stressed from time to time. They have many priorities to manage and they are still learning how to handle it all. All of these responsibilities can take their toll on your teen’s mental health and overall well-being. When teens get stuck in overwhelming feelings of anxiety, mindfulness skills can help bring them into the present moment. Mindfulness practice is a simple, natural, and effective way to feel calmer and maintain control of their emotions. Here’s how it works…

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