Posts tagged outdoors
The Benefits of Being Mindful Outdoors

When you think of mindfulness, do you think, “That doesn’t work for me”? This perception is more common than you’d think. It’s totally relatable to think that mindfulness won’t work for you because you can’t sit cross-legged, tuning out the world, in a complete internal silence. Here’s the good news: to practice mindfulness, you don’t have to do that at all! If you are someone who also cannot imagine tuning out the world and your daily stressors, try to TUNE IN instead. To truly practice mindfulness is to take notice of the body, thoughts, and emotions in the present moment and without judgment. And one of the best ways to begin a successful mindfulness practice is to practice outdoors. We’ll explain how you can get started…

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A Simple Mood Booster: Being in Nature!

Are you looking for something to cheer you up this summer? It seems simple, but many people feel better—happier, more energetic, and with a more positive outlook—when they spend time outside. Everyone should all take advantage of the warm summer weather and enjoy being outdoors. It’s an easy and affordable way to be active and improve your mental health. There are many reasons why being in nature is great for your health…

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The Mental Health Benefits of being Outdoors

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I need to get a breath of fresh air”? It turns out that it’s not just an idiom we often use when we’re feeling tired, down, or stressed. There’s actually science that supports the idea of spending time outdoors to boost your mental health. Now that it’s finally getting warmer outside, you should consider connecting with nature to help yourself feel better. Let’s look into how nature can improve your mood and what you can do to implement this idea into your daily routine…

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Eight Summer Songs to Cheer You Up

Summer is the time of year to get outdoors and enjoy some well-deserved downtime.  Sometimes, the free time and changing family schedule can make you feel depressed.  If you feel down or bored this summer, try listening to Buzzfeed’s playlist of uplifting songs from over the years.  Here are some suggestions...

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