Posts in Seasonal Affective Disord
Tips to Help with Your Winter Blues

As the winter season starts and daylight lessens, some may feel the effects of the changing seasons. Recognizing the beginning feelings that the gloomy weather may be getting to you, is super important in helping manage it for the rest of the winter. In the winter, it’s normal for people to not get as much sunlight as they do in the spring/summer months. Because of this, it can lead to feelings of sadness, feeling tired, and fatigue.

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3 Ways to Avoid a Winter Mood Slump

It’s mid January and all you can do is count the days until spring. Now more than ever, you’re longing for warmer days and you just can’t kick those winter blues. If it’s proving difficult to trudge through these chilly days, you’re not alone. You can boost your mood by incorporating these three helpful techniques…

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Managing Darker Days of Winter

Check in with yourself: how have you been feeling? It’s possible that you’re feeling tired, gloomy, or distracted lately. It’s more common than you think this time of year! During winter, the loss of sunlight can have a major impact on your mood and your ability to function. With fewer hours of sunshine, it’s harder to stay motivated, upbeat, and get things done. You don’t have to waste your winter away, waiting for brighter days to return! Consider these ideas below to manage the darker day gloom…

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A Simple Mood Booster: Being in Nature!

Are you looking for something to cheer you up this summer? It seems simple, but many people feel better—happier, more energetic, and with a more positive outlook—when they spend time outside. Everyone should all take advantage of the warm summer weather and enjoy being outdoors. It’s an easy and affordable way to be active and improve your mental health. There are many reasons why being in nature is great for your health…

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Fighting the Winter Blues

As the clock rolls back and as it gets darker earlier, many people begin to feel “down” and gloomy. It’s so easy to give in to the coldness and darkness of winter. But don’t lose hope! There are ways to fight your depressive symptoms in the wintertime. Whether you have seasonal affective disorder, or you just feel blue during the winter months, you should take a look at these simple suggestions...

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Three Ways that Spring can Worsen Symptoms of Depression

If you or someone you know is struggling with Depression, you might assume that the first day of spring would bring a sense of relief. Yes, the days are lighter, and in certain parts of the country, warmer; however, this may not positively impact people with Depression. Read on for three ways that spring might worsen symptoms of Depression...

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Seasonal Affective Disorder - Signs and Symptoms

Depression that occurs during Fall or Winter and improves during Spring and Summer is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD).  The cyclical nature of SAD is what distinguishes it from other types of Depressive Disorders such as Major Depression or Dysthymia.  Read on for more information about signs and symptoms of SAD....

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Do What Makes You Happy

Spring is a time for renewal and reawakening. I am especially grateful that Spring has arrived after the long and difficult winter we just experienced. I, too, was feeling a little blue when the sky was dark and the temperature cold.

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