How to Deal with Life's Uncertainty


We’re in the midst of uncertain times. Between the implications of the coronavirus pandemic and the election results, many people are feeling understandably uneasy. We’re not sure what the future will look like and that uneasiness is causing us distress. When we feel fearful or overwhelmed, we have a natural tendency to go into fight (criticize, yell, get into arguments), flight (run away physically or mentally), or freeze (shut down or isolate) mode. This occurs because our minds and bodies are perceiving the uncertainty as a threat. While it’s okay in the short-term, it can take its toll on our bodies in the long-term. Chronic stress can cause us to feel fatigued, to experience anxiety or depression, and to suffer from sleep issues, among other things. It’s not healthy to be in this mode more often than necessary. Luckily, you can escape the constant state of stress and combat the unpredictability. Here are some quick tips and suggestions to give your mind and body a breather...

Understand and accept uncertainty
Don’t fight what you cannot change. You can’t change global issues, so don’t ignore or reject them or the feelings surrounding them. Start by accepting the reality of the situation. If you feel anxious, accept that you feel anxious in this moment. Simply being aware of the uncertainty and its effects on you will allow you to begin addressing them effectively.

Focus on calmness
Make it your priority to be calm. When you feel overwhelmed, think back to your goal of calmness. What can you do to soothe yourself and lower your emotional temperature in this moment? It helps to brainstorm a list of coping strategies that work for you. What brings you peace? Maybe it’s deep breathing, or journaling, or calling a friend, or exercising. Then, you can reference this go-to list any time you’re feeling like your emotions are out of control.

Stick to routines
You can combat unpredictability with regularity. What’s more consistent than a routine? Establish routines and stick to them—like a morning routine as you get ready for the day or an afternoon tradition to ride bikes around the neighborhood for 30 minutes. Having things to expect can help limit out of control emotions. The predictability will bring you a much-needed sense of calmness, safety, and security.

Take care of yourself
Uncertainty and the stress associated with it has negative impacts on the mind and body. Therefore, it’s imperative that you take the time to care for yourself. Prioritize your physical and emotional well-being by getting enough sleep, eating nourishing meals, and exercising. Give yourself opportunities to relax and decompress by engaging in activities that you enjoy.

Concentrate on what you can control
While there are plenty of things you can’t control, there are just as many that are within your grasp. You have the ability to control your response to stressful events, your daily decisions (like what you’ll have for breakfast or how you’ll spend your evening), and your attitude (will you choose to think about the positive or the negative?). You’ll feel grounded and empowered, just by focusing on these aspects of your life. You have the power to control more things than you’d expect!

Take it one day at a time
It’s not easy putting all of these tips to practice on a daily basis. Some days will be tougher than others, and that’s okay. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a breath. Remember to take it one day at a time, one moment at a time. Don’t let worries about the future overcome you. Just focus on what you can do to improve this moment. Trust that the rest of the pieces will fall into place if you get yourself off to a good start now.

Reach out for support
While we’re told to keep physically distant, it doesn’t mean we should isolate entirely! Reach out to others for support when you need it. Go for a socially distanced walk-and-talk with a friend. Call a family member who always listens to you. Schedule a Zoom happy hour with your pals. Make connections. With technology, there are plenty of ways to do so. Having that human connection can be a major mood booster! 

Everyone has different ways of dealing with uncertainty. Rather than isolating, concentrating on the negative, or fighting reality, embrace the unpredictability of today’s world. You can’t change things on a global scale, so it’s not worth denying it. Start by understanding how you typically react to uncertain situations, and use these strategies to improve your response to them. While you can’t control COVID or political divisions, you CAN control how you manage your response to stress.