How to Transform Mundane Daily Tasks into Mindful Ones


Do you feel like you’re stuck in the same quarantine routine?

If you and your family have been following the same cycle since quarantine began, it might be time for a change. Following the same patterns of behavior can make you feel anxious, hopeless, or frustrated. You’re often on autopilot, going through the motions of typical tasks while your mind wanders and worries about other things. Luckily, there is a way to break out of these patterns of behavior and have an improved connection to daily experiences: mindfulness!

By practicing mindfulness, you can be present in the moment. You can be aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Mindfulness helps you break the cycle of passive “autopilot” behavior. You build awareness of what’s happening around you without letting your emotions take control. Instead of acting impulsively or jumping to your usual behavior, you have the knowledge to make wise-minded choices that are best for you. 

Mindfulness isn’t as complicated as you might think. Here are some simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into your routine and find meaning in mundane experiences… 

Start with a mindful morning wake-up –
If you have trouble getting out of bed, use mindfulness to begin your day on the right foot. Make the most of every morning wake-up. Take note of your environment when you open your eyes. What’s going on around you? What’s happening that makes this morning different from yesterday? Look for details that you might have otherwise overlooked. Maybe there’s sunlight creating striped shadows on your wall or birds chirping outside your window. Nature is waking up and you should too! Be attuned to your environment; turn those simple signals into morning motivation. 

Practice mindful eating –
Make every meal more interesting by eating mindfully. Be present in the moment by focusing on your food and only your food. Set distractions aside; turn off your TV, put your phone aside, and enjoy your meal in this moment. Your five senses can improve your ability to concentrate on what you’re eating. What does your dish look like? What does it smell like? What does its consistency feel like in your mouth? What does it taste like? Ask yourself these questions as you eat, then describe the experience in your mind. Soak up every detail that you observe and let it bring new life to your meal. Slow down, taking it bite-by-bite, detail-by-detail. Savor the flavor.

Take care of chores mindfully –
Whether you like it or not, chores will likely be a permanent part of your routine. Make the act of cleaning less robotic by adding mindfulness. Avoid taking on everything at once because it is likely to overwhelm you. Take one task at a time. If you have the entire kitchen to clean, start with just one area, like the sink, and focus on that. If you see an enormous amount of dishes in the sink, pause. Observe how you feel and how your body is reacting before acting on your emotions. Use words to describe any feelings or sensations you’re experiencing. Describe just the facts without judgments or labels. You might say, “There are two tall stacks of dishes in the sink and there is leftover food all over them. I am feeling annoyed and frustrated; my body is tense and my heart rate is speeding up.” Once you recognize how you feel, proceed mindfully. Stay in the moment and commit to dealing with this one situation.

From your wake up routine, to mealtime, to doing chores, there are many opportunities to transform mundane tasks into mindful ones. When you apply a mindful mindset to your daily activities, you get more out of every moment. Look for additional areas to infuse mindfulness into what you’re already doing. Maybe you could be mindful while you’re working remotely or when you’re out for an evening walk.

No matter what the activity, actively try to be aware of your environment, your thoughts, your emotions, and your behaviors. Practice mindfulness so it becomes second nature—a natural part of your routine. Mindfulness can help you enjoy more moments at home and feel at peace during these crazy times.