Managing Darker Days of Winter

Check in with yourself: how have you been feeling?

It’s possible that you’re feeling tired, gloomy, or distracted lately. It’s more common than you think this time of year! During winter, the loss of sunlight can have a major impact on your mood and your ability to function. With fewer hours of sunshine, it’s harder to stay motivated, upbeat, and get things done. You don’t have to waste your winter away, waiting for brighter days to return! Consider these ideas below to manage the darker day gloom…  

1. Incorporate foods that are rich in vitamin D –
During these colder months, you’re more likely to experience vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D has many benefits, like supporting bone health, strengthening your immune system, and helping to combat the winter blues. You could take a vitamin D supplement to boost your vitamin intake; or, you might enjoy finding new and creative ways to incorporate vitamin D into your routine. One way to do so is by expanding your palette. Foods that contain vitamin D include salmon (wild caught salmon is best, with a significantly higher vitamin D content), egg yolks, canned tuna, mushrooms, fortified cow’s milk and soy milk, as well as fortified cereals and oatmeal. By eating a well balanced diet, and by being intentional about your vitamin D intake, the darker days won’t seem so dim.  

2. Make an effort to absorb natural light –
It is sometimes (mistakenly) believed that sunlight is only utilized by the body during the warmer months when it is the strongest. It may seem as though the sun is doing very little in the cooler temperatures, but this is certainly not the case. Making an effort to get your sun fix during the colder months will do you and your body good. Integrate natural light into your routine by taking a morning stroll after you pick up your coffee. Walk to get your mail midway through the day. Work next to a window to allow natural sunlight in. Making small changes like these will help you gain vital sunlight during the darker days.  

3. Incorporate aromatherapy into your routine –
Aromatherapy can be essential for when you’re lacking energy. There are certain aromatherapy oils which are known to help decrease fatigue and increase focus. Try adding peppermint, sweet orange, wild orange, and spearmint oil to your wrist, neck, or oil diffuser in order to prevent fatigue and improve your mood. Additionally, lemon oil has been found to enhance mood, while eucalyptus and cinnamon stimulate the brain and increase energy. Incorporating aromatherapy into your daily routine is an easy and effective way to adjust to the changes in sunlight.

These colder, shorter days are tough. They make it harder to feel like ourselves and be productive. To help compensate for the lack of sunlight, integrate these easy, creative ideas you’re your routine. You can successfully navigate the rest of winter if you take a mindful, proactive approach!