Tips for a Successful School Year

Now that school is in full swing, does your teenager find it hard to keep his or her motivation up and stress levels low? It can be difficult when teens are managing tougher homework this year, extracurriculars starting up again, and trying to adjust back to a school time routine.

Parents: do you wish you could give your son or daughter that boost that he or she needs to get on the right track? We’ve compiled a list of things for teens to think about when it comes to success in school. Share these tips with your teen to help him or her have a successful school year:


  1. Get regular and consistent sleep –
    Set a time to go up to your room to start your nightly routine such as taking care of your skin, listening to relaxing music or reading a good book. Make sure you are in bed with lights off by a reasonable time. Try to stick to the same time every night, and wake up around the same time every morning. A good night’s sleep should be about 8 hours.

  2. Have balanced, healthy meals –
    Get in the habit of eating a healthy, balanced breakfast. Breakfast is called the most important meal of the day for a reason! Your body needs the calories to convert into energy so that you can have enough energy and maintain a clear head during the day. Figure out some good snacks to throw into your school bag so you have something at hand when you feel your energy level starting to wane during the day.

  3. Stay active –
    Give yourself time during the day to go out for a walk, ride your bike, do yoga or anything that requires movement and focus. Engaging your body and mind in a physical activity will help build your energy reserves for a time when you need to tap into it. It’s also a great way to take a break from homework and clear your mind of any worries.

  4. Get organized –
    A cluttered environment leads to a cluttered mind! Organize your notebooks, school bag and homework space. It’s not the most fun activity, but it is well worth it. Clean out all the junk and clutter from last year. Start fresh. Remember to clean out your closet too, so you can easily put together the clothes you want to wear each day.

  5. Ask yourself how you are feeling about school – 
    It’s important to check in with yourself every so often. What are you excited about? What are you nervous about? Talk to someone you trust about these things. Many times, we make things out to be larger than they are. Once we put those worries out into the universe, they become smaller and more manageable.


Don’t let the demands of school and the school year routine get the best of you. It’s only October—there’s still plenty of time to get this year on the right track! Use these tips and strategies to make the most out of this school year. Take your first step towards success today!