Tips to Help with Your Winter Blues

As the winter season starts and daylight lessens, some may feel the effects of the changing seasons. Recognizing the beginning feelings that the gloomy weather may be getting to you, is super important in helping manage it for the rest of the winter. In the winter, it’s normal for people to not get as much sunlight as they do in the spring/summer months. Because of this, it can lead to feelings of sadness, feeling tired, and fatigue.

Ways to help if you’re feeling down in the winter months 

  • Recognize that this is normal and okay. 

    • Being patient with yourself and understanding yourself will go a long way. Understanding your own warning signs to gloomy moods will help you manage it better. Staying mindful and present to your emotions and feelings. 

  • Utilize a SAD Lamp 

    • SAD lamps are designed to help combat seasonal depression or low moods. SAD lamps mimic the sunlight and can provide the body with similar benefits to the actual sun. Utilizing this lamp in the winter months can help your mental health and physical health. 

  • Take a walk outside at least once a day or any physical activity. 

    • I know that in the winter months, it’s a lot colder outside. If the sun is out, it would be very beneficial to bundle up and go on a walk outside. You’ll reap the benefits of physical activity while still getting vitamin D. 

  • ABC PLEASE DBT skill 

    • A- accumulate positive emotions- do pleasant things that are possible now. 

    • B- build mastery - do things that make you feel competent. 

    • C- cope ahead of time with emotional situations 

    • P- physical illness (treat it)

    • L- lather, rinse, repeat (physical hygiene)

    • E- eat balanced meals 

    • A- avoid mood/mind altering substances 

    • S- sleep

    • E- exercise