Warning Signs of Anxiety

We all experience some form of anxiety in our lives. Nerves are common and worry is a natural emotion. But when does our worry become to much? How do we know if our anxiety is excessive? Here are some early warning signs for anxiety disorders, and things to look out for if you think you may want to talk to someone regarding your anxiety:

Difficulty Sleeping

It is common for people with anxiety to have issues with their sleep. Anxiety can cause us to have racing thoughts, and make it hard for our brains to shut down to get those important 8 hours. If you find yourself having difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early and still feeling tired, you may want to talk to someone. 

Inability to Concentrate

Just like the racing thoughts before bed, anxiety can cause racing thoughts throughout the day as well. This can make it hard to concentrate on conversations or work. If you find yourself worrying so much about deadlines, past conversations, daily tasks, etc, that you can’t get anything done it may be a good idea to discuss these worries with someone. 

You’re experiencing some physical symptoms

Anxiety can manifest in many ways, and various physical symptoms are not immune. Some anxiety symptoms can include: shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, dizziness, headaches, and/or abdominal pain. It can be common to experience these symptoms with excessive worry. People have even mistaken panic attacks for heart attacks, so its important to recognize how anxiety manifests in your body.