Getting the Most Out of DBT Skills Therapy

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We all face our own unique challenges, tough times, and heartache. There are various ways to deal with life’s obstacles, and one of them is DBT skills therapy. Sometimes, the decision to seek therapy is an easy one and sometimes, it takes years to reach out for support. Whether you’re considering DBT or you’re currently in DBT therapy, you should know that the process involves more than just showing up and listening. If you want to get the most out of DBT skills therapy, we’ve got some insider advice for you!  

  1. Understand what DBT skills therapy entails –
    DBT is short for Dialectical Behavior Therapy. There are various options of DBT therapy, including individual, group, and family DBT skills therapy. In DBT skills therapy, people learn concrete tools and strategies to implement in daily life. Many people mistakenly believe that DBT is only for people with serious mental health struggles. This is not the case. DBT skills can help ANY person who struggles with coping skills, emotion regulation or interpersonal connection! DBT skills help people feel like there are more options in emotional situations; it also helps them understand which skill would work best for their current situation and how to effectively use it.

  2. Maintain an open, eager, and willing attitude –
    Your mindset is key to any situation—but especially to DBT therapy! Therapy provides a space for reflection, growth, skill-building, and healing. However, you will not experience these benefits if you are not willing to improve. It’s important to be open to the process. It takes a willingness to feel emotions that are difficult or confront situations or experiences that are painful. You can’t grow and heal without digging deep and embracing yourself and your story. In addition, you should be eager to practice and apply what you’ve learned in therapy outside of the therapy room. Knowing of DBT skills will only get you so far; you must be able to put your skills to use!

  3. Be your own cheerleader –
    If you’re feeling unmotivated to make a change, then that change probably won’t happen. People who really want to change are more likely to make it happen. How can you get back on track? Be your own cheerleader! Support and encourage yourself to keep pushing through. Remind yourself that you’ve made a commitment to improve. You’re invested in your growth or you wouldn’t have made it this far. Tell yourself that you can do this when times are hard. Also remember to celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Every step forward is a step closer to your goal. If you give yourself credit for your achievements, you’ll be more motivated moving forward.

So if you made the decision to seek help, congratulations! Even if you’re considering therapy as you read this, that’s great! You’ve taken your first brave step towards self-improvement. Through participating in DBT, you will learn a variety of skills—ones that help you practice mindfulness, regulate your emotions, cope with distress, and maintain healthy relationships. Now, you’re better prepared to get the most out of DBT skills therapy. It won’t be easy, but change is possible. Believe in yourself and embrace the journey ahead. You can do this!