Posts tagged self-improvement
End the Year with a Self Check-In

The end of the year is a time of reflection. It’s a time to look back on how we’ve changed, learned, and grown. We like to think about what we’ve accomplished this year and what we can improve upon in the year to come. We all have areas of our lives that we would like to enhance, whether it be our health, our relationships, our careers, or how we spend our time. By being self-aware and checking in with ourselves, we can make a plan to be an even better version of ourselves in the year ahead. It’s helpful to focus on the one or two areas of your life that you most want to improve instead of taking on everything at once. Here are some helpful prompting questions to get you started…

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Making Gratitude a Daily Practice

Thanksgiving is the perfect reminder to be thankful. It’s an opportunity to reconnect with loved ones, shared memories and a warm meal together, and think about all of the little things we’re grateful for. But the holiday season shouldn’t be the only time we do this! Year-round gratitude can help boost your mood, your energy, your overall health, and so much more. So as we head into a long winter ahead, consider making gratitude a daily practice. We’ll show you easy ways to incorporate gratitude into your life. It’s not as hard as you’d think!

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How are your Thoughts Influencing your Emotions?

Do you ever find yourself jumping to a worst-case scenario or the worst possible conclusion? Do you ever feel like you are a failure if you received a low letter grade on one test, or received a little negative feedback at work? Maybe you and your partner got into a fight, and you immediately think that they are going to break-up with you? It’s more common that you think for people to experience these distortions in thought, or what’s referred to as a cognitive distortion. Cognitive distortions often lead to stronger emotional reactions than we’d like. Luckily, we have the power to control these cognitive distortions and in turn, minimize our emotional reactions. How can we do this? Let’s dive in…

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The Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is a centuries-old practice that has recently made its way into the mainstream. An increasing number of people are practicing meditation at home and in groups. There are countless apps and videos claiming to undo your stress and unwind your mind. But how effective is meditation and how can you utilize this tool to help with daily stress and anxiety? Let’s dive in…

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Are You a Good Listener?

We’ve heard the question “Are you listening?” many times since childhood. But what does that mean exactly? What makes a person a good listener and why is it important? Effective listening isn’t just hearing and receiving auditory information. It’s a practiced skill that can strengthen and deepen your relationships. Whether it be applied to work or while at home, being a good listener is a helpful skill when trying to resolve conflicts, strengthen empathy, and build connections with others. Good listening skills boost positive interactions with others, leading to a better overall well-being. Here are some tips…

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Exercising Your Mental Muscles

Looking to add healthy habits in the new year? After the holidays, you might make resolutions to get to the gym or eat healthier. Positively fueling and working your body will make you feel stronger, but change doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and consistency to notice these gradual changes. However have you considered improving your mental fitness? How do you flex those muscles to strengthen your mental health? Exercise and nutrition can boost your mental health through the mind body connection, but other strategies can also enhance your mental fitness game. Here are some exercises that you can start incorporating into your routine today...

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How to Charge Your Social Battery

Feeling drained after the Thanksgiving holiday? Have you been stuck behind a computer all work week and you’re feeling down? These could be signs that you need to charge your social battery. A social battery refers to a person’s capacity to interact with people or groups of people in social situations. A full battery allows you to more effectively interact with others. And in doing so, it strengthens your relationships and provides you with a feeling of connection and support. However, the way in which you recharge will depend on your personality. Here are some tips to understand when your battery is low and what you can do to recharge…

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Cultivating Gratitude

This Thanksgiving, many of us will be able to gather as we did prior to the pandemic. While this is definitely something we can be thankful for, we don’t need to wait for the holidays to acknowledge our blessings and embrace gratitude. We can practice gratitude every day of the year! In fact, incorporating gratitude into our daily routines can improve both our mood and our relationships. So what is gratitude, why should we practice it, and how can we make it a habit that sticks? Let’s dive in…

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Why You Need to Stop “SHOULD-ing” Yourself

Do you ever find yourself saying “I should have” or “I shouldn’t have” done this or that? For instance, you might think “I should have gone to bed early.” “I shouldn’t have raised my voice and yelled.” “I shouldn’t have eaten that dessert.” Using the terms “should” and “shouldn’t”—or “should-ing” ourselves—impacts how we feel about those actions. Ultimately, a “should-ing” mindset can consistently put us down and inhibit our goals. So how does this one word have so much influence, and what can we do about it? Let’s explore…

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All About Emotions: Why Are They So Important?

You may sometimes wonder why you feel a certain way at one moment and then experience a completely different feeling just a few minutes later. We experience a range of emotions on a daily basis, and they are all important in their own way. The big question is: why? Emotions are crucial to our lives because they serve a variety of purposes. They guide us through stressful situations and help us connect with others in friendships and relationships, among others. At the same time, emotions are complicated; they can be difficult to understand. Sometimes, it may seem like life would be easier if we didn't have to undergo the ups and downs that emotions play in our lives. So why are they so important?

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How to Advocate for Yourself in your Relationships

Do you ever feel like your relationships aren’t going well for you? Do you find that you give in more often than not? Do you tend to have a passive role in your relationships? No matter what kind of relationship you’re struggling with, don’t worry! It can be challenging to ask for what you want or to find the courage to say “no” when you’re uncomfortable. If you’re looking for a way to improve your assertiveness, try using the DEARMAN skill! It’s an interpersonal effectiveness DBT skill, which means that it’s designed to help you communicate better with others. It teaches you how to calmly and effectively ask and receive. Let’s learn about how it works…

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How to Set Realistic Goals

Do you find yourself accumulating numerous goals to accomplish throughout the year that you still haven’t gotten to? It’s important to have goals; it shows your ambition, and it feels wonderful when you accomplish and even surpass your goals. However if you load too many goals onto your plate at once, it can start to feel overwhelming. The feelings of overwhelm lead to stress and anxiety, which can cause you to lose motivation and abandon your goals altogether. So, what can you do to achieve realistic goal setting?

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Managing Negative Self-Talk

When you think about yourself, do negative thoughts instantly come to mind? Do you put yourself down over every little mistake you make? If you experience thoughts like this, you are engaging in negative self-talk—and you are not alone. Negative self-talk may not seem to be a big deal, but over time, they can make an impact on how you view yourself and how you feel. Your thoughts are powerful, and they will influence your emotions and behavior in the long run. Therefore, it’s important to manage negative self-talk so that you’re avoiding increases in anxiety and negative self-image. Here are some tips for managing negative self-talk…

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Recharge Your Emotional Batteries This Summer

Are you feeling burnt out? Are your emotional batteries running on empty? This summer is the perfect opportunity for you to take time for yourself and recharge your emotional batteries. After long days of fulfilling all of life’s responsibilities, it’s easy to forget to care for yourself. However self-care is a key part of healthy living. Making time for the things that you enjoy on a routine basis, even if it’s only for a few minutes each day, will help you to feel better. Here are some tips to get yourself feeling 100% charged again…

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Focus on your Mental Health AND Have Fun this Summer

Is it tough for you to balance having a good time and prioritizing your mental health? Does one have to come at the expense of another? The short answer is no: you can keep yourself busy with plenty of enjoyable experiences while making time for taking care of your health. Here is the key to keeping your focus on both: having fun is a part of self-care. It can become an integral part of prioritizing your mental health. If you need some inspiration to find your positive summer mental health vibes, here are some tips…

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Showing Up With Compassion

As parents, it is possible that you’re incredibly hard on yourself; this kind of behavior can be destructive. It is easy to imagine demonstrating compassion for those that you love. However, it’s far more difficult to show compassion towards yourself. The mindfulness practice for self-compassion will help you learn to practice self-compassion in your daily life. Practicing self compassion is one of the best ways to improve your wellness and your mood, as well as strengthen your relationship with your family members. Learn how to practice a self-compassion break in order to show yourself kindness, alleviate stress, and help you cope with the challenges of parenthood…

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Distraction: An Impactful Parenting Tool

Parents are faced with a variety of different challenging situations from day to day. From managing the kids’ online activities to breaking up arguments to preparing meals that everyone will enjoy, the stress can add up. In these situations, it might feel difficult to deal with intense or painful emotions as they arise. Ineffective ways of managing a crisis may help in the short term, but they can end up making things worse. Use crisis management skills like Wise Mind ACCEPTS when you feel yourself reaching your threshold to Emotion Mind or if you feel your emotional temperature rising…

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Calm Your Mind With Mindful Breathing

Did you know that one of the simplest ways to calm your mind is something that you’re already doing every second of the day? That’s right—it’s all about your breath! When you feel intense emotions, your may instinctively try to slow down your breath. Being mindful of your breathing is as easy as that! Mindful breathing is a powerful yet underutilized tool that helps you calm intense emotions and bring awareness to your present moment. By mindfully breathing, you can create a relaxing effect on your mind and body. Consider these three types of mindful breathing techniques to promote a calmer mood…

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3 Ways to Avoid a Winter Mood Slump

It’s mid January and all you can do is count the days until spring. Now more than ever, you’re longing for warmer days and you just can’t kick those winter blues. If it’s proving difficult to trudge through these chilly days, you’re not alone. You can boost your mood by incorporating these three helpful techniques…

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3 Foods to Help Manage the Stress of the New Year

A new year is a time for new goals. It’s a time to plan for self-improvement and aspire to achieve more in the year ahead. You may aim to learn a new skill, be more present, lose weight, etc. With all of these new goals comes new stress. This year, take a nutritional approach by integrating foods that help with stress reduction. Fuel your body with foods that help you work towards your objectives without suffering from as much stress. Below are three foods to incorporate in 2021 that help manage stress…

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