Focus on your Mental Health AND Have Fun this Summer


Is it tough for you to balance having a good time and prioritizing your mental health? Does one have to come at the expense of another? The short answer is no: you can keep yourself busy with plenty of enjoyable experiences while making time for taking care of your health. Here is the key to keeping your focus on both: having fun is a part of self-care. It can become an integral part of prioritizing your mental health.

If you need some inspiration to find your positive summer mental health vibes, here are some tips…

1. Relax, have fun, and be silly –
You can take your mental health seriously, but you don’t have to be serious all of the time. It is okay to do things that bring you joy; you are your main priority and taking care of yourself can take many different forms. Let loose, do a cannonball into the pool and have some fun—it’s all self-care.

2. Plan activities for you –
Sometimes life gets in the way, and you may forget to take time for yourself. Be intentional about planning self-care by scheduling activities that bring you happiness. If you enjoy being on the beach, make time to get to the beach this summer. If you like hiking, carve out an hour or two weekly to get out and explore the outdoors. Also, make sure to take your vacation days and use them to do fun things! It could be a week-long vacation, a day trip, or laying in the sun in your yard for an hour. What’s most important is that whatever you do, you do it for you.

3. Be mindful –
Be in the moment with whatever it is that you enjoy. If you like swimming, take time to notice every aspect of jumping into the pool and all of the sensations you experience. Think about the feeling of the cool water hitting your skin. Pay attention to the smell of the water, and the way it glistens in the sunlight. If you find your mind wandering, take a moment to pull yourself back into the present by noticing what you see, smell, hear or feel. You deserve to take this time for yourself, so allow yourself to enjoy it and be present.

4. It’s okay to say no –
Don’t be afraid to say NO to plans that you aren’t interested in or that aren’t beneficial for you. It’s okay to put yourself first and focus on what you want to do this summer. 

Above all, remember that it’s important to have fun and put yourself first. Doing things that you enjoy is a crucial part of caring for your mental health. Now is a great opportunity to refocus, recharge, and take in positive experiences during these long days. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself or compare your summer to what you see others experiencing on social media. Take life at your own pace, do what you like to do, and honor yourself this summer. You deserve it!