The Dark Side of Perfectionism


Often times, perfectionism is romanticized by our society. People are praised for being particular, hyper-detail-oriented, and exceptionally thorough in school, at home, or at the office, etc. While goal-setting and having high standards is beneficial in most settings, there can also be a dark side to perfectionism. Perfectionism can have a negative effect on people’s mental health in a variety of ways. 

Consider the following reasons as to why striving to be perfect can become dangerous:

1. Anything less than perfect can cause immense anxiety. A perfectionist may find it difficult to live up to expectations or feel satisfied with his or her work or performance, which could influence his or her anxiety. This anxiety can then intensify as he or she continues to feel as though she is not meeting expectations or performing in a certain way.

2. Perfectionism can negatively affect one’s self image. If you’re striving to be perfect, a largely unattainable goal, you’ll continually be let down. Constant let down may negatively influence one’s perception of the self. Feelings of inadequacy can evolve and you may struggle with your self confidence and capability as a result.

3. A desire to be perfect can be symptomatic of and/or exacerbate a handful of mental health concerns, including obsessive compulsive disorder. Perfectionism in this regard involves the need to have things done “just right.” Oftentimes, perfectionism centers around ‘checking’ (i.e., is the front door locked? Have you unplugged your clothing iron?). This behavior can be disruptive and impact one’s ability to lead a functioning life.

Perfectionism is generally looked highly upon, without considering the potential negatIve impacts on people’s mental health. Although striving to perform well and putting forth your best effort can be advantageous, it is important to keep in mind the dark side that could evolve simultaneously. Instead of striving for perfectionism, seek a balance between doing your best and taking care of yourself.