Posts tagged acceptance
Using DBT Distress Tolerance Skills: Spring Edition

Wise Mind ACCEPTS is an acronym for different skills we can use during times of distress, anxiety, worry, and/or high emotional temperature. ACCEPTS can help us to temporarily distract ourselves from our stressors so that we can better cope with them from a more regulated space, especially if the situation can’t be made better right away and we don’t have to make things worse. Below are some different ideas for how this Skill can be used With the warmer weather approaching:

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How to Deal with Life's Uncertainty

Is life’s unpredictability getting to you? We’re in the midst of uncertain times. Between the implications of the coronavirus pandemic and the election results, many people are feeling understandably uneasy. We’re not sure what the future will look like and that uneasiness is causing us distress. When we feel fearful or overwhelmed, we have a natural tendency to go into fight (criticize, yell, get into arguments), flight (run away physically or mentally), or freeze (shut down or isolate) mode. This occurs because our minds and bodies are perceiving the uncertainty as a threat. While it’s okay in the short-term, it can take its toll on our bodies in the long-term. Chronic stress can cause us to feel fatigued, to experience anxiety or depression, and to suffer from sleep issues, among other things. It’s not healthy to be in this mode more often than necessary. Luckily, you can escape the constant state of stress and combat the unpredictability. Here are some quick tips and suggestions to give your mind and body a breather...

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