3 Ways to be a More Effective Parent during COVID-19

As parents, we all have unique ideals and expectations of the experience of raising our kids. We set schedules, we create routines and we teach lessons to instill those ideals in our children as we try to meet our own. So, how do we manage when our children change, when we change, and when life changes?

Often, sticking to expectations and ideals can create stability within the family system. However, a rigid or inflexible stance in parenting can also, at times, wreak havoc on relationships and emotions. It’s challenging to parent your children the same way that you were months ago, before the pandemic began.

Therefore, it is crucial that we adapt to changing circumstances. How can we maintain a flexible stance with our parenting and create a calmer home environment? Here are 3 ways to help you become a more effective parenting during this crisis…

Embrace change:
It can be easy to get stuck in our ways and stick to long-formed habits. It can also be scary to change our routines, plans, and perceptions. But when quarantine forced a change on us, we had NO CHOICE but to adapt! Here’s the tip: WELCOME THE CHANGE. Say, “hi quarantine, we didn’t want you here, and we guess you are sticking around for a while, so we might as well make you comfortable.” Yes, this may sound corny. However, having an open mindset and being accepting of change will make you more successful in navigating new challenges.

Be okay with being wrong:
No one is ever 100% right—not Albert Einstein, not Leonardo da Vinci, and not even parents. Disagreements are more likely when you have been closed in with your family for an extended period of time. Perhaps you’ve recently lost your temper or you’ve said something inappropriate to your child. Remember, IT IS OKAY TO MAKE MISTAKES. Every mistake gives you the opportunity for growth and positive modeling. Set a good example for your children as you respond to being wrong: APOLOGIZE. BE ACCOUNTABLE. ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG. These will all go a long way in fostering realistic expectations for your kids. It will help your family recognize that mistakes happen and that it’s how you handle them that matters.

Slow down:
Slowing down isn't easy when your life is full of maneuvering homeschooling and still turning in that report that your boss requested last week. However, we all need a break from time to time. We all need a chance to slow down and relax. Deliberately slowing your pace, expressing gratitude, and practicing patience can be effective ways to bring your mind to a place of peace. Slowing down gives you the opportunity to recharge and remain available for your mindful parenting. Allow yourself to take a slow breath to reflect on challenges that you’re struggling with or to consider negative mindsets that may be stopping you from being the best version of yourself. When you are calm and your mind is slowed, you can be more effective in meeting the needs of your children without feeling overwhelmed.

Parenting is THE most difficult job you’ll ever have. Recognize that your expectations from before COVID-19 may not be realistic today. Embrace the change that has occurred over the past few months, and be open to additional changes ahead. Remind yourself that you will not get through this perfectly; no one will. It’s okay to make mistakes along the way. Slow down, take a breath, and do the best that you can. Honor yourself today and take a moment to work through the day’s obstacles. It’s the first step in becoming a more effective parent.