4 Common Habits that may Drain your Energy

In today's world, many of us feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. There are so many things to do, but we don’t have enough time or energy to complete them. Life can feel even more challenging due to habits that we don’t even realize are depleting our energy. Here are some common habits that can make day-to-day life more difficult than it needs to be.

Not drinking enough water: Drinking water and staying hydrated throughout the day is crucial to keeping your energy up. 72 ounces of water, or 8 glasses a day are recommended for optimal hydration. Drinking water replenishes your system, helps your body digest food, and flushes out toxins. Not drinking enough water may lead to dehydration, which can cause dizziness, headaches, and lethargy.

Lack of sleep: You have likely read this in every self-help article out there, but sleep really is that important! This means going to bed and waking up at approximately the same time every day. Our bodies need 7-9 hours each night (8-10 hours for teenagers) to recharge. Regularly not getting enough sleep can cause trouble concentrating, make you more vulnerable to getting sick, and affect your moods throughout the day.

Unhealthy relationships: Unhealthy relationships can take a physical and mental toll on you if you do not address them. An unhealthy relationship can create chaos, stress and unnecessary drama; it interferes with your independence and healthy decision making as well. Relationships are supposed to be a two way street. If you find yourself on the end of a friendship or relationship where you are always listening, but not being listened to, you may want to take another look at the dynamic within the relationship.

Poor eating habits: Not eating properly or healthfully can drain your energy. Imagine that your body is like a car—it needs gasoline to run. In order for your body to thrive, it needs nourishment. Food is your body's fuel for energy. It is recommended that in addition to 3 meals a day, you should not go more than 3-4 hours between meals, except for the hours that you are asleep at night. Going too many hours without food may make you to feel tired and impact your ability to concentrate.

Taking a closer look at these potential habits and whether or not they play a role in your life can change your productivity level and your overall well being. Life is full of challenges and obstacles. By caring for your mind and body throughout each day, you can ensure that you’re living a healthy and meaningful life.