Getting Your Family Ready For Back To School


As summer winds down, the new school year is almost here. This time of year brings a sense of nervousness and dread for many families as they think about the daunting task of prepping for back-to-school. The summer days are full of relaxation without much structure, but now as the school year looms closer it’s time to get back into routine. Here are a few tips to get yourself and your family ready for the school year ahead…

1. Establish morning and evening routines –
Our bodies need time to adjust to a change in sleep schedule, so establishing a routine for when to wake up and when to go to bed in advance can help to avoid the early morning chaos when school starts. Give yourself and your family time to adjust to waking up earlier and going to bed earlier as practice. You can slowly introduce earlier wake up and bedtimes the closer it gets to school starting—perhaps 15 or 30 minutes earlier each day to ease your way into it. 

2. Set goals for the school year –
Start a conversation about what goals your child would like to meet for the school year and together, talk about ways to meet those goals. If your child’s goal is to get homework and studying completed in a timely manner, work together to create a schedule to make that goal achievable. It’s important to make this a collaborative effort; invite your child to give input so that they’re motivated and so that their goals feel more attainable. Also, let your child know that it’s okay to ask for help as they try to meet their goals; asking for help can help them feel less overwhelmed with schoolwork. 

3. Prepare as much as possible –
No one wants enjoys doing things at the last minute. Save yourself the stress and take the time to get what you need for back to school ahead of time. Additionally, start organizing materials at least a few days before your child’s first day so it’s ready to go. Create a system that works for you and your family: If you have a busy schedule consisting of multiple extracurricular activities and sports games, maybe create a shared calendar for the family. When your schedule suddenly becomes busy and you haven’t had a chance to get organized, it can become more overwhelming trying to keep it all straight. 

4. Practice positivity and self-care –
Your mindset and perspective can affect your experience. By fostering a positive attitude around going back to school, you can create a positive perspective and therefore a more positive experience for yourself and your family. Also, be sure to take care of yourself. If your schedule is hectic, make sure to take a few minutes for yourself to do something that relaxes you. Remember, as much as you take care of everyone else, it’s important to take care of yourself too.

Overall, a little preparation and thoughtfulness can make the transition back to school smoother. No one likes going back into the swing of things, however you can make the process less painful. Make it your goal to minimize bumps in the road by following these steps, so that you can reduce feelings of overwhelm for you and your family.