How to Manage Work Related Stress

Our society has an expectation that individuals prioritize work in ways that may not be healthy for the body or mind. It is important to take a step back and reflect on how work may be impacting stress levels.

Stress impacts individuals emotionally, physically, cognitively, and behaviorally. Symptoms of stress might include irritability, feeling out of control, difficulty relaxing, forgetfulness, and poor judgment as well as physical symptoms like headaches, upset stomach, tension, insomnia, and frequent illness. If an individual is stressed they may notice behaviors like procrastination, nail biting, increased use of alcohol and other substances, and changes in appetite.

If you are experiencing any combination of these symptoms it is important to incorporate a routine to help manage stress levels and improve overall health and well being.

Ways to Manage Stress:

Prioritize getting enough rest: 7-9 hours of sleep per night is recommended.

Eat balanced meals: Start setting aside enough time in and out of work to prepare meals that fuel the body and mind. Being nourished allows the body to function at its best and ensures more mental clarity.

Incorporate movement: Stress management is one of the many benefits of exercising regularly. Walking is one way to increase overall energy and clear the mind while maybe getting some time outdoors!

Set boundaries: Reflect on your specific job responsibilities. Ask yourself if you are overdoing it at work, and when appropriate, begin to make changes such as leaving work on time and turning off notifications for work related communication when at home.

Spend time with family and friends: Connection is one of the most effective ways to increase positive feelings.

Spend time in nature: Fresh air, sunlight, cold temperatures, and focusing on the sights, sounds, and smells of being outside can increase mindfulness and reduce stress symptoms.