Reducing Work Stress with DBT


Has your work been stressing you out lately? Do the demands of your job cause you to feel exhausted by the end of the day? If you’re looking for relief from work stress, DBT skills can help! Learning how to manage stress associated with work will not only improve your work environment, it will also enhance your quality of life overall. Start with these three DBT skills to cope with the intensity of your work…

  1. Mindfulness:
    Bringing your awareness to the present moment is key in DBT. It is especially helpful when dealing with stressful circumstances. Implementing mindfulness practice into your daily routine will help your ability to manage any overwhelming situations that may arise at work. Daily practice can help you feel more at ease and more in control of your emotions in the workplace. Mindfulness is the foundation of stress management! For more information on mindfulness and action steps on how to apply it to your life, visit:

  2. Interpersonal effectiveness skills:
    The DBT module Interpersonal Effectiveness highlights the importance of relationships—both with yourself and with others. Interpersonal effectiveness skills teach you how to effectively communicate with others, while keeping your self respect and asking for what you want or need. In a stressful situation at work, you might find yourself in need of support, but unsure of how to ask for it. Utilizing DBT skills might make asking for help from a coworker or boss less intimidating. The DEARMAN skill, for example, helps you practice your assertiveness skills. It improves the odds of getting what you want and it helps you advocate for yourself. For a breakdown on DEARMAN, see:

  3. Self soothe:
    Learning how to self soothe in difficult work situations is essential for reducing work stress. Stressors like stringent deadlines, annoying coworkers, or unhappy bosses make for a tricky work environment. It’s understandable to feel stressed and turn to your usual coping mechanisms. You may turn to external forms of coping, like alcohol, food, or drugs, which may not be the best for you in the long run. Instead, practice the self-soothe skill. Self-soothe incorporates the five senses in order to help you manage different emotions as they arise in healthy, sustainable ways. Learn more about self-soothe at

It’s normal to feel stressed from work. Some stress is okay, but too much stress can begin to take a toll on your physical and mental health. First, it’s important to recognize when the stress you’re experiencing has become too intense. Then, try implementing DBT skills to help manage work stress. Integrating DBT into your life will not only improve your productivity and capability at work, it will also promote a happy, healthy life.