Setting Realistic Goals

With the new year comes new goals. We have the intention of being healthier, cultivating stronger relationships, and pursuing our interests in the year ahead, amongst others. It’s important to be ambitious as you pursue and accomplish your goals. But sometimes, you can overwhelm yourself with too many goals or drain yourself trying to meet goals that are unrealistic. The stress and anxiety can make it even more challenging to see things through, and it may lead you to abandon your goals altogether. So, how can you achieve realistic goal setting for 2023? Here are some pointers…

1. Break it down –
Usually, we think big picture. We want to lose 30 pounds, we want to get 8 hours of sleep per night, or we want to read 20 books by the end of the next year. However, that goal can’t be achieved overnight. There are many small goals along the way. If you break it down into smaller tasks, the process may feel more manageable. For example, aiming to lose 2-3 pounds a month, going to sleep 15 minutes earlier per night, or reading 1-2 books a month is less daunting. Reaching those smaller goals can motivate you to continue to achieve your long-term vision. 

2. Establish a routine with rewards –
It’s important to plan time for working towards your goals and rewarding yourself along the way. This will help you stay motivated as you make progress. Make your goal part of your routine; for example you can dedicate an hour every Sunday morning before the kids get up. Establishing a habit makes it easier to keep it up. Also, when you have finished the hour of invested time, reward yourself! Treat yourself to a coffee, a snack, a nap, or something else that you enjoy.

3. Be gentle and patient with yourself –
Progress is not linear. Some days will be great successes while others may not be as promising. You’re going to feel unmotivated from time to time and take breaks from your goal, and that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up for missing a deadline; some things take longer for some people than others. Remind yourself that you are doing the best that you can. And avoid making comparisons to other people; instead, make comparisons to where you were 6 months ago so you can appreciate your progress thus far. Additionally, we sometimes need to take a step back from our goals to see things with fresh eyes and new energy. A week or two off may be just what you need to recharge and get back to it! Be patient with yourself, kind to yourself, and take a break when you need it.

Setting big, ambitious goals is great, but it’s just as important to be realistic, compassionate, and thoughtful as you do so. If you’re starting with a large-scale, long-term goal, break it down into more achievable mini goals to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Establish a cadence for when you’ll work towards your goal so it can become part of your routine and easier to stick to. Lastly, be kind to yourself along the way. Celebrate your successes and be sympathetic when things slow down. By following these tips, you’re positioning yourself for greater success in the year ahead!

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