Showing Up With Compassion


The importance of compassion within the parent-child relationship is tremendous, both towards your child and towards yourself. As parents, it is possible that you’re incredibly hard on yourself; this kind of behavior can be destructive. It is easy to imagine demonstrating compassion for those that you love. However, it’s far more difficult to show compassion towards yourself.

The mindfulness practice for self-compassion will help you learn to practice self-compassion in your daily life. Practicing self compassion is one of the best ways to improve your wellness and your mood, as well as strengthen your relationship with your family members. This mindfulness exercise will teach you to pause throughout your day, taking moments here and there to practice self-compassion. Practice a self-compassion break:

  • When you’re faced with a challenging, painful, or stressful situation, take a moment to pause. Take a few deep breaths. It might feel comforting to place your hand on your heart or give yourself a hug.

  • Think about this situation and how it makes you feel both emotionally and physically. Acknowledge that you are suffering and see if you’re able to treat yourself as you would your child or a loved one.

  • Use statements like “This is a moment of suffering,” which awakens your ability to be mindful and aware of the present moment. It is possible that observing and describing the present moment utilizing your five senses may help ground you in that moment securely.

  • Consider using phrases like “suffering is a part of life,” to acknowledge that suffering is a part of the human experience.

  • Follow these statements by stating, “May I be kind to myself.”

It can be relieving to simply affirm that you are acknowledging the experience of suffering and you are accepting the moment as it is, while you continue to be kind to yourself. Consider this mindfulness exercise as you navigate your day to day as a parent. Regular self-compassion practice can be a highly beneficial form of self care, it can help alleviate stress, and it can help you cope with the difficult situations that come with parenthood.