The Importance of LGBTQ+ Pride

June is pride month and focuses on celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. There are probably events in your area to commemorate the month such as family pride picnics, flag-raising, and maybe even a parade. But why are these events and pride so important? 

Pride is a celebration of all sexual, romantic, and gender identities. We know that finding community is important to the human experience. We all want to feel a sense of belonging. Think back to freshman year of high school and the cafeteria. You had no idea where to sit or who to be friends with. Unfortunately, a lot of LGBTQ+ individuals can still feel that anxiety every day. They don’t know if they will be accepted by this group, at that job, or in that school. Pride is the exception. You know that if you attend a pride event, or if your school counselor puts a “safe space” rainbow sticker on her door that you will be accepted, and that first-day cafeteria anxiety doesn’t exist anymore. 

Not only does pride provide a much-needed community to those who may be rejected in other areas of their life, but it greatly increases mental health awareness and mental health in general. Many studies state that acceptance and self-acceptance greatly increase mental health in LGBTQ+ individuals. While general acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community is on the rise, LGBTQ+ individuals still face discrimination. The Human Rights Campaign declared that the LGBTQ+ community is in a state of emergency this year with more than 75 anti-LGBTQ+ bills were signed into laws this year. This is why pride is so important. This lack of acceptance affects not only the community’s safety, but also negatively affects mental health. 

Pride is a space where everyone is accepted for who they are and who they love. Pride is a vocal and proud celebration when the community still faces discrimination and a mental health crisis. It is a space where everyone is welcomed with open arms.  With about half of pride month left, consider going to a local pride event and supporting your local community. Share a pride post on facebook, or even share this article with friends. By engaging in pride, you are helping to create a safer space for the LGBTQ+ community.