Three Ways to Cope with This Year’s Virtual Holiday Season


With the holiday season looming, it is becoming increasingly evident that this year’s festivities might not resemble years past. However, with a little extra effort and creativity, a merry holiday season can persevere.

Here are three ways to cope with the virtual holiday season...

1. Celebrating the same way, but apart:
Plan a shared holiday experience with your loved ones. For example, watch the same holiday movie or listen to the same holiday playlist. Decide on the same holiday wardrobe by dressing up or dressing down! Set aside time to call or video chat family or friends you’d usually spend time with and chat about your day together. Finding togetherness, amidst the distance, can make this holiday season just as special as years before.

 2. Recipe exchange:
Just because you can’t eat at the same dinner table, does not mean you can’t share a meal with friends or family! Try coordinating your Thanksgiving menu. Each household chooses one recipe to prepare for the group and portions out for each household! The week before, plan to create a drop off schedule to exchange each dish. A fun way to stay connected with family and friends, while practicing social distancing.

3. Practice gratitude:
Find ways this holiday season to express your gratitude, whether that be online or in person. Try creating a gratitude bowl this holiday season. Each family member can write something they’re grateful for the days leading up to the holiday and then set aside time the day of to read what you’ve written. Make an extra effort to reach out to loved ones and share your gratitude for them, whether that be in a text, a hand written card, a phone call, or email. Expressing gratitude can bring both yourself and those who receive it, joy.

Embracing new, virtual traditions this year will ensure the magic and joy of the holiday season is not lost, but instead, has evolved to meet the current climate of our world. Wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday season!