How to Follow Through on Your 2020 Goals


We all strive for a better and healthier year ahead. We aim to lose weight, get more sleep, be present in the moment, or have more quality family time, among other goals. No matter what your goal is, it can be difficult to stick to it. Check in with yourself and ask yourself, “How am I doing so far?” If you’re not making the progress you’d like, or if you could use some support in following through on your resolutions this year, look no further! Use these helpful tips to stick to your goals for 2020.

Be realistic –
We are often unable to keep our resolutions because they are unrealistic. We set the bar so high for ourselves, that it is practically impossible to achieve our goals. Be honest with yourself and realistic about your goals. What is feasible for you? What can you see yourself accomplishing? How much time do you think you need to make it happen? Be as specific as possible so that you have a clear idea of what you’re trying to achieve. For example, instead of trying to “be healthy,” make your resolution to “each at least one serving of fruits and vegetables every day of 2020.”

Break it down into smaller steps –
Feeling unmotivated by the end of January? It’s not just you. Nobody has the enthusiasm that they did at the start of the year. Keep yourself motivated in the long-term by breaking your resolution into smaller, actionable steps. Develop and write down a plan for achieving your long-term goal, thinking about all of the steps you will need to take. Then, set benchmarks for yourself along the way. Consider them as mini goals that build up to major success, and use them as opportunities to reward yourself. It’s important to celebrate every achievement, no matter how small.

Have encouragement –
When it comes to reaching goals, encouragement and support is key. We can rely on ourselves, as well as others, to help us follow through. You can support yourself by being mindful and reflecting on how far you’ve come each week. Be your biggest cheerleader and praise yourself for the short-term progress you’ve made. In addition, don’t be afraid to reach out to others for support. Friends, family, or a community of people with similar goals can help you through even the most challenging obstacles. Find a person or group to keep you accountable and to inspire you to make progress on your goals.

Goal-setting is a process that takes time. And now is the perfect time of year to make a change for the better. First, congratulate yourself on taking the first step towards a healthier, happier life. Then, make use of these tips to follow your goal and see it through. Making a change isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. You can truly improve your life if you put your mind to it!