Recharging Your Social Battery

Now that the summer is over and we’ve had 3 months of socializing and vacations and barbeques, its time to find the energy to go back to school and work. Some people have naturally smaller “social batteries,” which means they need more time to recuperate from the activities from summer. What is a social battery? It is the amount of energy we expend from different social activities. When that battery gets drained, whether or not it takes a long time to do so or not, we need to find ways to “recharge.” Here are some tips to help us recharge. 

  • Unplug from social media and technology

Oftentimes people view sitting and scrolling through TikTok or Facebook as something relaxing or menial. However, you are still expending social energy by doing this. You are interacting in real time with other people, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. Not to mention that if you are already feeling low energy and lethargic, that blue light and headache from the bright screens won’t help you. Take a break from your phone or laptop. Schedule some time just for yourself to unplug. 

  • Engage in your hobbies

What do you love to do when no one is around? Find that something and roll with it! Maybe you love painting but you never seem to find the time. Or there is a book on your shelf you’ve been meaning to read for months now. Find something that gives you joy and do it! Giving yourself the time to engage in something you love is a perfect way to practice self care and focus on your internal validation. 

  • Learn when to say no

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re all comfy on the couch: blanket wrapped around you, popcorn popped, and your movie all set to go, when suddenly you get a call asking you to go out? The last thing you want to do is get up, but you don’t want to disappoint the person calling so you sigh and say yes. Allow yourself to stay in next time! You’re allowed to say no to things you don’t want to do. By saying no, you’re not being rude to your friend but rather putting yourself first. If you are burnt out from socializing and you need some alone time you are allowed to say no and relax on your own time!