Posts tagged perfectionism
Six Strategies to Help Manage Perfectionism in Your Home

Perfectionism can serve a purpose in each of our lives, though sometimes it causes problems and contributes to stress. It’s an exhausting pursuit that can stifle healthy risk-taking, growth, progress, and discovery.

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Challenging Perfectionism in Your Family

Does your child feel pressured by perfectionism? Do they do everything they can to get perfect grades, memorize all of their lines in the school play, or score for their team in every sports game? Whether we realize it or not, we tend to feed into our children’s desire to be perfect in a certain aspect of life or to know exactly what they are going to do when they grow up. Perfectionist tendencies can have a series impact on your child’s mental health. In extreme cases, this can lead to things such as anxiety, depression and eating disorders. How can you help your child find balance in their life while encouraging them to do their best? Here are some tips…

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The Dark Side of Perfectionism

Often times, perfectionism is romanticized by our society. People are praised for being particular, hyper-detail-oriented, and exceptionally thorough in school, at home, or at the office, etc. While goal-setting and having high standards is beneficial in most settings, there can also be a dark side to perfectionism. Perfectionism can have a negative effect on people’s mental health in a variety of ways. Consider the following reasons as to why striving to be perfect can become dangerous…

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