Posts tagged reduce anxiety
Six Strategies to Help Manage Perfectionism in Your Home

Perfectionism can serve a purpose in each of our lives, though sometimes it causes problems and contributes to stress. It’s an exhausting pursuit that can stifle healthy risk-taking, growth, progress, and discovery.

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Upgrade Your Family Time, When Family Time is All You Have

Under normal circumstances, the usual progression of the day usually goes something like this: Wake up, eat breakfast, drop the kids off at school, go to work, kids travel home from school, get off work, cook dinner, eat, sleep, repeat. This routine means that everyone is busy, and it also makes family time precious. Now what happens when that family time became so frequent that work, school, eating, and alone time merge together? Many families may be finding this time tricky to navigate. Your home may be feeling very close now that everyone is in the same space for extended periods of time. For some, your boundaries may be blurring and your schedule may be more lax. Parents: let’s take a look at the ways you can help your entire family upgrade your family time, when family time is all you have…

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Self-Soothe to Reduce Holiday Stress

Can you believe that it’s already the holiday season? With the kids home from school, travel plans, gift-giving, and meal preparation, your week off can quickly become a very stressful time of year. Don’t let the holiday stress get you down. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, try using a skill called Self-Soothe. Self-soothe encourages you to relax and improve your mood through your five senses. You can comfort yourself, giving yourself the mental health break that you deserve this holiday season…

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Tips to Ease Anxiety at Night

Do you ever get into bed after a long day, 20-30 minutes pass by, and you are still wide awake? Maybe you’re replaying conversations from the day, thinking about your to do list for tomorrow, perhaps even worrying about the rest of your week and what needs to get done. You get up and turn on the TV. Or start scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed on your phone, hoping your eyes will get tired. Still feeling like you can't slow your thoughts down, no matter what you do? Here are some strategies to help you wind down at night…

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Back-to-School Stress Reduction in 4 Easy Steps

As summer comes to an end, many families are gearing up for a brand new school year. This transition often comes with a wide variety of feelings—excitement, anxiety, and anticipation are just a few.  Here are a few tips to help the family stay calm and grounded as the new school year starts....

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Using your Breath to Reduce Anxiety

By shifting our breathing pattern, we can have a profound effect on our body's parasympathetic nervous system - the center of our nervous system that's responsible for slowing our heart rates and creating a calming response.

Here are three breathing techniques that can ease your anxiety and produce calm...

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