Posts tagged sleep
The Seven Types of Rest Everyone Needs

Have you ever gotten a good night’s sleep but still woke up feeling exhausted? This might be a sign of “rest deficit.” Rest is more than just sleep! Often, we might confuse the two. It’s important that we stop treating rest like a reward, or something we start doing once exhaustion, burnout, or overwhelms finds us.

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Help your Child get a Better Night's Rest

Does your child struggle with falling asleep? Now that we’ve set the clocks back, is getting a good night’s rest nearly impossible for your kid or teen? Your child is not alone. Many kids have trouble falling and staying asleep. And it’s understandably frustrating for parents because it often feels like there’s nothing you can do to get them to sleep better. While it may feel like your child’s quality of sleep is out of your control, it turns out that it’s not. Prepare your child for a better night’s rest with these helpful tips…

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Improve Your Sleep Hygiene With Mindfulness

Do you find yourself glancing at the clock and wishing you could finally fall asleep? Do you lay in bed ruminating over the day’s events or worrying about that meeting tomorrow? Are you spending too much time on social media when you should be sleeping? If the answer to any of the above is yes, then you may not be getting enough sleep. Sleep is essential for both our physical and mental health. It aids in immunity and our ability to cope with stress. So what can we do to improve our quality of sleep? Here are some tips to improve your sleep hygiene…

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How to Improve Kids’ Sleep Hygiene

Do your children have trouble falling or staying asleep? Do your kids feel sleepy during the day? It doesn’t matter your age—if you don’t get enough quality sleep, you are more likely to feel tired as you go about your day. That’s why it’s important to practice good sleep hygiene. “Sleep hygiene” refers to good sleep habits. Parents should aim to establish healthy sleep habits for their children, especially since children require additional sleep for their growth and development. Healthy, quality sleep is important for your children’s physical and mental health; in can improve their mood, productivity, and alertness. Don’t worry—just like eating well, being active, and doing homework, good sleep habits can become part of your routine. Here are some tips to help your children feel more restful, agreeable, and ready to confront the many challenges of the day…

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3 Tips to Help Get Your Child to Sleep

Does your child struggle with falling asleep? Maybe you put your child to bed and 20-30 minutes later, he or she is still awake and telling you that he or she can't sleep. It’s understandably frustrating for parents, particularly after a long day, because your child's bedtime may be your first real opportunity to unwind. If you find yourself experiencing issues with bedtime, here are some tips to help your preschooler get settled in for a good night's sleep...

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Tips to Ease Anxiety at Night

Do you ever get into bed after a long day, 20-30 minutes pass by, and you are still wide awake? Maybe you’re replaying conversations from the day, thinking about your to do list for tomorrow, perhaps even worrying about the rest of your week and what needs to get done. You get up and turn on the TV. Or start scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed on your phone, hoping your eyes will get tired. Still feeling like you can't slow your thoughts down, no matter what you do? Here are some strategies to help you wind down at night…

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3 Simple Tips to Ease Anxiety at Night
3 Apps to Boost Your Mindfulness and Your Health

When your life is busy and there are too many things to do in one day, it can be difficult to find time for improving your mindfulness and your health. In this time of technology, there is a new way to supplement the support of your therapist or doctor: apps! Consider downloading these apps to help you achieve your health goals.

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3 Tips to Improve Your Sleep

Did you know it’s estimated that 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, or sleep deprivation? Sleep deprivation puts you at risk for heart disease, obesity and diabetes. It can also affect your energy, athletic performance, cognitive health and promote hunger cravings. Additionally, chronic sleep issues have been correlated with anxiety and depression. 

Keep reading for 3 tips to ensure you get your Zzz’s…

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Amazing Tips for Sleep

Sleep hygiene is a routine of different practices that are necessary to have normal, quality nighttime sleep and full daytime alertness.  Good sleep hygiene increases the quality and consistency of your restfulness.

Here are some tips for creating a great sleep hygiene routine...

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