What's it like being a Therapist?

People who are currently in therapy, and even people who have heard about therapy before, know about the experience of therapy from the client’s point of view. In an initial appointment, you’re asked a variety of questions so that the therapist can get to know you. In the following sessions, you work with the therapist to establish goals, learn strategies, and make progress towards achieving them. But have you ever wondered what it’s like being a therapist? Or what your therapist thinks of his or her job? This week in our “Ask the Therapist” series, the therapists are opening up about what they think of their careers…

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What to Expect in your First Therapy Session

Starting therapy for the first time can be nerve-racking for anyone. It’s a new experience that may push you outside of your comfort zone. At the same time, it’s a proven way to help you learn more about yourself and grow. First, be proud of yourself for having the courage to make yourself an appointment. Next, read about how people feel about therapy, and what typically occurs during a first appointment from the therapists at Mindsoother. We’re here to reassure you that you can take the first step towards self-improvement…

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Myths about the Therapy Couch

Picture a typical therapy session in your mind. It’s likely that you’re thinking of the client laying on a couch, sharing their deepest concerns and secrets with a therapist who’s taking furious notes. Here’s the thing—therapy is nothing like this. In fact, it’s a major misconception about therapy. If you’ve never tried therapy before, your knowledge about therapy is likely based on what you hear from friends or loved ones, or what you see on TV. Read more inside information from the therapists themselves, as they disprove myths about the therapy couch…

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Ask the Therapist: Talking about the Value of Therapy

The therapists at Mindsoother sat down for interviews to talk about the benefits of therapy, what their job is like, offer insider advice, and answer questions that you may have about therapy. This is the first of a multi-part series based on the interviews, giving you an inside look at what therapy is like for the client and for the therapist. The therapists started by answering questions about the value of therapy, including individual therapy, family therapy, and group therapy. Read all about therapy from the experts themselves…

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The Benefits of Group Therapy for Teens

Is your teen currently seeing a therapist, or considering therapy? Many people know about individual therapy, but have never heard about group therapy before. Group therapy brings people together who struggle with similar issues, like depression, anxiety, emotion regulation, or eating disorders, for example. It is a space for participants to connect and support one another, while learning beneficial skills from an experienced therapist. Group therapy is an option that teens in particular should consider. It can be exponentially more effective for teens than just individual therapy; here’s why…

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Taking an "Unplugged" Vacation

When you go on vacation, do you still remain connected to work? If you’re spending just as much time taking calls and answering emails as you are relaxing on the beach, consider taking an “unplugged” vacation. An unplugged vacation is a growing trend in which people avoid cell phone use entirely in order to reap the benefits of being disconnected. Whether you want to take a phone-free vacation or limit your phone usage, here are some tips to make the most of your vacation...

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A Simple Mood Booster: Being in Nature!

Are you looking for something to cheer you up this summer? It seems simple, but many people feel better—happier, more energetic, and with a more positive outlook—when they spend time outside. Everyone should all take advantage of the warm summer weather and enjoy being outdoors. It’s an easy and affordable way to be active and improve your mental health. There are many reasons why being in nature is great for your health…

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5 Ways for Moms to De-Stress

Do you ever feel like no matter how much you do during the day, it still isn't enough? When you have kids, (especially small children) you likely find yourself doing everything for them—from feeding, to bathing, to carpooling and more. The days can start to feel like they blend together. You also may notice that finding time for yourself is becoming a rarity. Whether you are a mom to a newborn or a mom of three, it's easy to let stress build up. If you’re looking for some tips to relax and finally have some time to yourself, then here are 5 ways for moms to de-stress…

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Manage Your Emotions in a Crisis with TIPP

Have you ever felt an emotion so intensely that you thought you would never feel better, and that you were almost “out of control”? It can be helpful to use the DBT skill of TIPP when we are so emotionally dysregulated that we cannot think clearly and physically cannot access any other skills in that moment. TIPP alters our body chemistry to quickly reduce emotional suffering—from a 10 out of 10 to a 7 or 8. Then we are able to think more clearly and rationally; we can apply other skills to reduce our emotions even further. Here’s how TIPP works…

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Tips For Talking About Vaping With Your Teen

Although the amount of teenagers smoking cigarettes is at a 40-year low, an increasing amount of teens are picking up a new habit: vaping. Vaping is “using an electronic cigarette to inhale vapor infused with flavor, nicotine, both or neither.” Many teens have gravitated towards this new habit due to the enticing flavors. It may taste good and look cool, but it’s still harmful to a teen’s developing brain. If you find your teen is vaping, here are some tips to start a conversation about it and express your concerns…

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Social Media: Friend or Foe?

Today, you literally have the world at your fingertips. At any moment you can go on social media and see what your favorite celebrities are doing, what your co-workers are eating, and where your friends are traveling. Often it’s exciting and fun to take a peek into the lives of others. It can also create a sense of confusion and loneliness within you, particularly if you aren't living the 'exciting' life that you see on social media. Here are some tips to be more mindful when using social media…

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Break the Bad Habit of Negative Thinking

Do you ever go into a situation thinking that things will go badly, and then they actually do? How does that happen? It’s likely because of a concept called a self-fulfilling prophecy. A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction bound to become true as a result of behavior caused by its being expressed. Essentially, how you think determines your end result. If you believe that things won’t go well, they likely won’t go well. So how can you stop this vicious cycle of self-fulfilling prophecies? Here are some tips to help you break the habit…

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How to Tell if You’re in an Unhealthy or Abusive Relationship

We start new relationships with a romantic partner or with a friend for various reasons. We want to enjoy each other’s company, feel happy, learn new things, feel close to someone, and share exciting parts of our lives. However, sometimes these relationships feel like a lot of work; they may end up taking more from our lives then they are giving. If you feel the strain of your relationship, it’s important to step back and understand if the relationship is unhealthy or potentially abusive. Use this resource to spot the differences between a healthy, an unhealthy, and an abusive relationship…

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Using Opposite Action for Overwhelming Emotions

Are you ever overwhelmed by your emotions? Do you feel helpless when it comes to acting on them? All feelings come with action urges that tell us to act in certain ways. Sometimes, we use negative coping skills to escape painful emotions, because it feels like it’s the easiest way or the only way to cope. Have you ever considered doing the opposite of your usual response to your emotions? In DBT, the opposite action skill is a deliberate attempt to act OPPOSITE of your emotion urge. If your emotions are doing more harm than good, try acting opposite. Find the opposite action to our common emotion urges here…

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How to Live Mindfully

Sometimes, we find ourselves focusing on the “would have,” “could have” and “should have’s” of life. We contemplate our past actions or worry about the future. Maybe it’s time to put those thoughts aside and take action. What can you do? Consider living “mindfully” instead. Living mindfully is the practice of allowing yourself to be in an awake and present-minded state. Research supports that living mindfully increases a person’s well-being, happiness and satisfaction with life. Here are a few tips on how live mindfully….

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4 Common Habits that may Drain your Energy

In today's world, many of us feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. There are so many things to do, but we don’t have enough time or energy to complete them. Life can feel even more challenging due to habits that we don’t even realize are depleting our energy. Here are some common habits that can make day-to-day life more difficult than it needs to be…

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How to Successfully Navigate Life’s Transitions

Change is not easy, but it is possible to get through it successfully. Maybe you are moving to a new town, going to college, getting settled at a new job, or are taking a break from school or work. You’re probably nervous about this new venture and are experiencing some doubt, anxiety, or instability. Don’t worry—it’s completely normal to feel this way. Use some of the tips below to help you get through this period in your life…

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The “What” Skills of Mindfulness

Mindfulness, a core practice in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, is incorporated into almost every aspect of treatment. At its simplest, mindfulness is just a conscious awareness of yourself and your surroundings. This is a simple concept to understand and a difficult practice to master. Practicing mindfulness has many health benefits, including improved emotion regulation, flexibility, and empathy, as well as decreased stress and anxiety, just to name a few. Mastering mindfulness starts with the “What” skills of DBT -  Observe, Describe, and Participate…

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The Mental Health Benefits of being Outdoors

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I need to get a breath of fresh air”? It turns out that it’s not just an idiom we often use when we’re feeling tired, down, or stressed. There’s actually science that supports the idea of spending time outdoors to boost your mental health. Now that it’s finally getting warmer outside, you should consider connecting with nature to help yourself feel better. Let’s look into how nature can improve your mood and what you can do to implement this idea into your daily routine…

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Three Ways to Help your Child Manage Anxiety

All kids get stressed from time to time. Most kids will complain, perhaps get upset, and ultimately move on. But for the one in five children in the United States who suffer from an anxiety disorder, it can be a major challenge to manage their worries. If you are a parent or caregiver to a child who tends to worry or exhibit anxiety, your first instinct is to try to quell his or her fears. Although it will be comforting to your child in the moment, it may not necessarily make the fears or worries disappear. Here are some tips to help your child address his or her anxiety.

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