Posts tagged behavior
How am I Impacting my Child's Body Image?

Is your child starting to over-analyze their appearance? Are they over-thinking food choices and you’re not sure why? It’s understandable to feel confused; it’s not like you’ve ever criticized them about it! Your child’s behavior may be changing as they get older because they’re picking up on what you’re doing. Here’s the thing: children are like sponges. Even if your child has not directly been criticized for their food choices or appearance, they may be indirectly influenced about their appearance. Or, they may have picked up subtle cues from their parents about their body image. or they may have interpreted messages about their appearance and body image. It’s possible that your child is picking up on things that you don’t even realize you’re doing! We’ll shed light on potential influences…

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My Child is Starting Therapy… What Should I Do?

Give yourself a pat on the back for getting your child to come see a therapist! It’s no easy feat to get your child to work through their challenges—like trouble with self-esteem, behavioral issues, and school-related struggles, to name a few. So, you got them in the door… now what? How can you help your child “get better”? Is there something you can do to help them through the process? The short answer is yes! Here are some steps you can take to support your child through therapy…

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Does your Child Need to See a Therapist?

Parenting can be a roller coaster of a ride. As a parent, you’re there for all the tantrums, the proud smiles, the hugs, as well as the arguments. As these behaviors fluctuate with age, so do your worries over time. What’s considered typical behavior for a young child may become a sign of concern if it’s still demonstrated as a teenager. Over time, it become more challenging to keep up with your child’s evolving need. How do you help when you see your child struggling emotionally? When is it time to seek help from a therapist? Here are some signs and tips to consider…

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Practicing Conscious Parenting

Parenting has its ups and downs. When your children are getting along and they’re in good moods, it’s wonderful. But when one child is misbehaving, or another child’s behavior is out of control, you may naturally feel frustrated, concerned, and unsure of how to respond. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to parenting, there are ways to reduce stress and help your children grow. One option is conscious parenting. Conscious parenting is a mindful, parent-focused approach. The central idea is that in order to help your children, you must first help yourself. Let’s learn more about how to be a conscious parent…

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Is your Teen Actually Depressed?

It’s hard to tell the difference between typical teen mood swings and depression. Your teen will feel sad or want to isolate themselves at times, or their behavior could be a sign of something more serious. Recognizing depression in your teen will allow you to get them much-needed help. It may be hard to distinguish the difference between typical teen behavior and indicators of depression. To provide clarity, ask yourself the following questions about your teen…

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Using Target Behaviors to Spur Positive Change in your Teen

Is your child “stuck” in negative pattern behavior? In a perfect world, you could tell your children what they’re doing wrong and they would actually listen. They would stop procrastinating homework, scrolling mindlessly through social media, or getting emotional when under pressure. Making a change is easier said than done. Whether it be managing time more effectively, being increasingly present in the moment, or staying focused on the task at hand, your teen can make a change for the better. How? By focusing on target behaviors. Let’s explore how your child can use target behaviors to succeed at self-improvement…

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What Does My Child’s Defiant Behavior Mean?

From time to time, kids and teens will act up and rebel against their parents. Some children express disobedient behavior more often, and others may have oppositional defiant behavior. How do you know if your child has this behavior? We’ll explain the signs of oppositional defiant behavior and what it really means…

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How to Know When it’s Time to Worry about your Teen

As a parent of a teenager, it can be extremely difficult to differentiate between typical teen behavior and atypical, problematic behavior. Teenage behavior can be challenging to deal with, but when does it become extreme? You may not know what is just a phase and what you should really be concerned about. Don’t panic—instead, use these simple techniques to figure it out...

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