Posts tagged self-talk
Why You Need to Stop “SHOULD-ing” Yourself

Do you ever find yourself saying “I should have” or “I shouldn’t have” done this or that? For instance, you might think “I should have gone to bed early.” “I shouldn’t have raised my voice and yelled.” “I shouldn’t have eaten that dessert.” Using the terms “should” and “shouldn’t”—or “should-ing” ourselves—impacts how we feel about those actions. Ultimately, a “should-ing” mindset can consistently put us down and inhibit our goals. So how does this one word have so much influence, and what can we do about it? Let’s explore…

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Managing Negative Self-Talk

When you think about yourself, do negative thoughts instantly come to mind? Do you put yourself down over every little mistake you make? If you experience thoughts like this, you are engaging in negative self-talk—and you are not alone. Negative self-talk may not seem to be a big deal, but over time, they can make an impact on how you view yourself and how you feel. Your thoughts are powerful, and they will influence your emotions and behavior in the long run. Therefore, it’s important to manage negative self-talk so that you’re avoiding increases in anxiety and negative self-image. Here are some tips for managing negative self-talk…

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