Posts in Anxiety
How to Help your Child Cope with School Anxiety

Kids and teens of all ages recognize that this school year is not like any year before. Whether their school year is starting off with remote, hybrid, or in-person learning, it is a major change from what they are used to. The new school year already comes with the anxieties of new classes, different classmates, new teachers, and potentially a new school. The addition of a pandemic only makes the nervousness, uncertainty, and apprehension even more intense. As a parent, you can help to ease your child’s worries. Here are some strategies to make the extra daunting transition back into a new school year more manageable…

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3 Ways to be a More Effective Parent during COVID-19

As parents, we all have unique ideals and expectations of the experience of raising our kids. We set schedules, we create routines and we teach lessons to instill those ideals in our children as we try to meet our own. So, how do we manage when our children change, when we change, and when life changes? It’s challenging to parent your children the same way that you were months ago, before the pandemic began. Therefore, it is crucial that we adapt to changing circumstances. How can we maintain a flexible stance with our parenting and create a calmer home environment? Here are 3 ways to help you become a more effective parenting during this crisis…

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Rewire your Brain for Improved Well-Being during COVID-19

As humans, our brains are wired to respond to internal and external triggers so that we have the proper response to keep us safe. If we sense danger, our brains automatically shift into FIGHT OR FLIGHT mode. Panic and fear automatically trigger your brain’s threat detection, so during COVID-19, your system might go into overdrive. This is okay in the short-term, but it can take its toll on your body in the long-term. It is not healthy to be in fight or flight mode more often than necessary. Luckily, you can rewire your brain so that you’re not constantly overwhelmed by anxious or fearful thoughts or you’re not stuck in a state of mind that makes it tough to think clearly. Improve your physical and emotional well-being during this stressful time with these helpful tips…

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Practicing Gratitude to Help Cope with Crises

We’re in the midst of anxiety-provoking times. Whether you’ve dealt with anxiety before the pandemic or you’re experiencing anxious thoughts as a result of these changing times, it’s normal to experience heightened anxiety. We’re all worried about our health, the health of our family and friends, our jobs, the economy, and what the future will look like, among other things. How can we deal with all of these anxious thoughts without letting them overwhelm us? Try practicing gratitude. Gratitude is all about showing appreciation. It’s not something that we’re hard-wired to do, but it is something that we can incorporate into our daily lives in order to reap the benefits. What is gratitude all about, and how can it help you? Let’s explore…

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Teen Anxiety and Social Distancing

In the last few weeks since schools have closed and many businesses have begun working remotely, we have heard from many parents of teens with pre-existing social anxiety and/or school refusal, that their teens are thriving while sheltering in place. Whereas we hear that other parents are left at a loss, unsure how to help their teens who feel tortured from the lack of social interaction. No matter which end of the spectrum your child falls on, social distancing is a major concern for many parents. Parents are worried about the long-term effects of social distancing on their already distanced kids. How can you help your teen through this turbulent time? Here are some suggestions…

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How Mindfulness can Reduce your Teen’s Stress

Is your teen feeling overwhelmed? Are the demands of schoolwork, social activities, and extracurriculars stressing out your son or daughter? Are you looking for some much-needed relief? It’s normal for teens to feel stressed from time to time. They have many priorities to manage and they are still learning how to handle it all. All of these responsibilities can take their toll on your teen’s mental health and overall well-being. When teens get stuck in overwhelming feelings of anxiety, mindfulness skills can help bring them into the present moment. Mindfulness practice is a simple, natural, and effective way to feel calmer and maintain control of their emotions. Here’s how it works…

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How to Find Calm while Under Stress with STOP

Too often, we find ourselves in situations where our emotions get the best of us. Our hearts race, we feel tears well in our eyes, or our mood quickly turns sour. No matter what we're feeling in the moment, we can't think clearly when powerful overwhelm us. We make decisions impulsively—decisions we might later regret.What can you do to calm yourself down during intense moments? All you have to do is STOP. Using the STOP skill, you can calm yourself down during any moment that feels like a crisis. Take a minute or two to stop and pause with the STOP skill. Let’s learn more about how it works…

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Improving the Moment

Ever wish there was a way to turn negative experiences around? Of course—nobody enjoys feeling upset, angry, or stressed. When we experience powerful feelings like these, our emotions can feel out of control. Generally, we act impulsively—meaning that we put our emotions before our logic—when we face unexpected and overwhelming situations. But sometimes, this is not the best option. We can deal with daily challenges more effectively by replacing negative emotions with positive ones. The DBT skill IMPROVE the Moment gives us a variety of options to help us do so. It's a skill that's designed to help us manage difficult emotions during stressful situations. Let’s learn more about it…

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What is ARFID? More Than Just "Picky Eating"

When people hear the phrase “Eating Disorder”, the more common disorders like anorexia and bulimia come to mind. However, there are actually a number of other types of eating disorders that are not as well known—but just as dangerous. One such type is ARFID, or Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. ARFID is more than just “picky eating”—it negatively impacts a person’s weight, harms his or her growth, or interferes with someone’s daily tasks. As a result of the severe eating problem, the person may not be able to get enough nutrition through his or her diet. Let’s learn more about ARFID, how it differs from picky eating, and how therapy can help those with ARFID…

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Feeling Overwhelmed? Mindfulness can Help!

We all feel overwhelmed from time to time. We may feel panicked when running late for an important meeting at work. We may feel stressed when studying for a major test tomorrow. Certain situations, or the combination of many things to do at once, can make anyone feel overwhelmed. When we get stuck in overwhelming feelings of anxiety, mindfulness skills can help bring us into the present moment. Mindfulness helps us feel more calm, composed, and grounded. Here’s how it works…

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How to Manage Anxiety

We face stressful situations on a daily basis. Starting a new school year, flying on an airplane, taking a test, maneuvering through rush hour traffic, and meeting tight office deadlines are all anxiety-provoking. Anxiety is a typical emotion that we all feel—in fact, it’s healthy in doses. However, if you regularly feel anxious and anxiety starts to prevent you from your daily activities, it may be a sign of something more serious like an anxiety disorder. How can you recognize symptoms of anxiety and better manage it? Here are some helpful tips…

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Back-to-School Stress Relief

Can you believe that summer is ending already? Even just thinking about the first day of school can bring on a sinking feeling for students and parents alike. We’ve grown so accustomed to late nights with the family and worry-free summer days that it’s no wonder we’re dreading the school year routine. Between new classes, new teachers, and maybe even a new school, all of the unknowns can be daunting. Luckily, there are ways to smooth the transition back to school. Here are some tips to ease your family back into the swing of things…

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Managing Fear

Think back to a time when you were afraid. What was happening at the time? What made you feel fearful? When you felt fear, how did you respond? Did you take control of your fear, or did you let it hold you back? Fear works like any other emotion. Everyone deals with fear—it’s a natural part of being human. While we can’t avoid fear, we can learn to cope with it. Fear has a tendency to paralyze us, and to make us feel like we’re incapable of doing something simply because we are afraid of what might happen. The problem with fear is that it can prevent us from trying new things, growing as individuals, and reaching our goals. So what can you do to manage your fears? Here are some helpful tips…

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Helping your Child Overcome School Refusal

For some parents, getting your children to school can be a major struggle. If your child often throws a tantrum or has a meltdown before school, it is possible that he or she has school avoidance, or school refusal. It is more than nagging your kid to get ready for the day; school refusal is a serious emotional problem that is very distressing for both children and parents. School refusal can be attributed to stress inducing situations like bullying, peer pressure, or academic concerns, unhealthy attachments to the parents, or underlying mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression. Therefore, it’s important to begin to understand your child’s school refusal and help him or her overcome it. If your son or daughter is struggling to get to school, or you are starting to see some unhealthy patterns developing, here are some helpful suggestions…

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How to Ground Yourself

When you feel stressed or like life is out of control, what do you do? One way to reduce distress is through grounding yourself. The technique of “grounding” oneself is a coping strategy used to calm your state of being. When you ground yourself, you connect to the present moment, to the Earth, and to your body; it allows you to feel centered and balanced no matter what is going on around you. Here are a few ways to ground yourself…

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Overcoming School Phobia

Has getting your kids to school in the morning become a constant battle? Do they refuse to go to school, or do their absolute best to avoid it? Are you at a loss for how to address this problem? Don't worry—you're not alone. Many parents face a similar struggle, to varying extents. Some children don't like getting up early, while others are dealing with school phobia. You may be wondering, what is school phobia? Let’s explore what school phobia entails and how you can help your child overcome his or her anxieties…

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How to Manage Social Media Anxiety

Are Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter making your teen feel anxious or depressed? Your son or daughter is not alone. Recent studies and surveys reveal that social media is one contributing factor towards rising mental health issues among teens.  Teens who use social media for hours each day tend to feel more anxious, more insecure, and more alone. There is not a “one size fits all” approach to parenting a teenager with social media related anxiety. Just like teens use social media in various ways for different purposes, there are numerous ways for parents to support their children. Here are some helpful strategies to consider:

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The Signs of School-Related Anxiety in Teens

School is a main source of anxiety and stress in a teen’s daily life. Homework, tests, and social demands can make teens feel anxious and at times, overwhelmed. Parents often overlook lesser-known signs of school related anxiety, either because they are looking for the more “well known” symptoms, or because a parent mistakenly attributes it to another problem that may be present. It’s important to recognize this kind of anxiety in order to help your teen cope with it. Here are some lesser-known symptoms of school-related anxiety in teenagers that you should be aware of…

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How to Reduce School-Related Stress

Everyone deals with stress. In small amounts, stress is actually beneficial. It motivates us to accomplish tasks and challenge ourselves. For kids, teenagers, and young adults, a main source of stress is school. Homework, tests, and navigating class schedules and friendships can be challenging. However, the pressure should not be overwhelming. If you find that your child is struggling with school-related stress, consider these tips…

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Tips to Ease Anxiety at Night

Do you ever get into bed after a long day, 20-30 minutes pass by, and you are still wide awake? Maybe you’re replaying conversations from the day, thinking about your to do list for tomorrow, perhaps even worrying about the rest of your week and what needs to get done. You get up and turn on the TV. Or start scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed on your phone, hoping your eyes will get tired. Still feeling like you can't slow your thoughts down, no matter what you do? Here are some strategies to help you wind down at night…

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