Posts tagged self-soothe
Creating Calm in Your Life

Are you craving calm? A sense of peace won’t suddenly appear at your door. To find calm in your life, you’re going to have to create it for yourself. Luckily, it’s not hard to do! Start by blocking out a routine time for you. Maybe it’s after the kids go to bed, or on a weekend morning before soccer practice. Make it a time that you will focus on your well-being without distractions. Use the time to take care of yourself by practicing self-soothe. We’ll help you get started…

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Self-Care: Making Yourself A Priority

Do you feel like life is busier than ever before? Are you spending so much time on family, work, and other high-priority items that you forget to make time for yourself? When things are stressful, you may put yourself on the back burner. However it’s important to recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy well-being. Take care of yourself (even when things are busy!) by practicing self-care. Here are some suggestions to get you started…

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How to Find your Calm

Did you know that you’ve had five skills to help tolerate distress your whole entire life? These are skills that everyone has at their fingertips, yet many people don’t know about them! All you have to do is integrate your five senses. Through self soothing, you utilize your five senses in order to cope with stressful moments. Instead of looking for comfort externally, it is important to practice and learn how to comfort yourself. This skill can be used in any situation. Whether you’re in an argument with a friend or becoming frustrated with your partner, use vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch to lower your distress level. Here are some ways to incorporate self soothing with the five senses into your daily schedule…

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