Posts tagged breathing
How to Cope with a Panic Attack

Do you sometimes experience intense moments of anxiety? If so, you’re not alone. It’s common to face moments of panic from time to time, especially if you have an anxiety disorder. Moments of panic or full-out panic attacks can happen in high-stress situations, whether you’re diagnosed with anxiety or not. They can be unpleasant, difficult to deal with, or downright debilitating. The next time you find yourself in a moment of crisis, put these helpful tips to use…

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Using your Breath to Soothe Feelings of Fear and Panic

In moments of fear and panic, you may not know what to do. Your mind is racing, your heart is beating rapidly, and you may start to sweat in response to the intense emotions. You may not realize it, but you have a tool handy at all times to reduce these powerful—and at times, overwhelming—emotions. You don’t need to pack it with you, because it automatically goes wherever you go. What is this tool, this key to soothing fear and panic? It’s your breath. Your breath is your lifeline. It sustains you without you even thinking about it, and it can help you in times of crisis too. Your breath can help regulate your body physically, mentally, and emotionally. All you have to do is be mindful of it. Here’s how it works…

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The Benefits of Child's Pose

Are you looking for an easy way to find peace in your everyday routine? Child’s Pose (Balasana) is a simple pose that has several healing benefits. It is a restorative, resting pose—the kind of pose that you can use to center yourself, regulate your breath, and calm your body and mind. In this pose, you can reconnect with your breath and take a moment to check in with how you are feeling. Let’s explore how to practice Child’s Pose and how it can help you achieve calmness…

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Calm Your Mind With Mindful Breathing

Did you know that one of the simplest ways to calm your mind is something that you’re already doing every second of the day? That’s right—it’s all about your breath! When you feel intense emotions, your may instinctively try to slow down your breath. Being mindful of your breathing is as easy as that! Mindful breathing is a powerful yet underutilized tool that helps you calm intense emotions and bring awareness to your present moment. By mindfully breathing, you can create a relaxing effect on your mind and body. Consider these three types of mindful breathing techniques to promote a calmer mood…

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