Posts tagged routine
Navigating the Back-to-School Transition

It’s August! As much as you want to soak up the last of summer, you’re probably preparing for the start of school too. You’re likely buying new school supplies and awaiting your child’s school schedule. But what about preparing your child mentally and emotionally for school too? If your child spent most of their summer at camp, it’s now time for them to re-learn how to sit still in the classroom instead of running around outside. Or maybe your child has enjoyed late summer nights, and now they need to re-learn how to stick to a traditional school routine. Whatever it is, August is the perfect time to start early and help your child get ready for the new school year. Plus, it’ll make the transition easier for you too. Here are some tips…

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How to Transform Mundane Daily Tasks into Mindful Ones

Do you feel like you’re stuck in the same quarantine routine? If you and your family have been following the same cycle since quarantine began, it might be time for a change. Following the same patterns of behavior can make you feel anxious, hopeless, or frustrated. You’re often on autopilot, going through the motions of typical tasks while your mind wanders and worries about other things. Luckily, there is a way to break out of these patterns of behavior and have an improved connection to daily experiences: mindfulness! Mindfulness helps you break the cycle of passive “autopilot” behavior. You build awareness of what’s happening around you without letting your emotions take control. Mindfulness isn’t as complicated as you might think. Here are some simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into your routine and find meaning in mundane experiences…

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Your Family Plan for Managing COVID-19

We are ALL navigating uncharted territory together and it is important that you create a plan for YOUR FAMILY that effectively manages anxieties, scheduling and completing of tasks while staying both physically AND mentally healthy. There is hype. There is hearsay. There are opinions and beliefs. And then there is WHAT IS BEST FOR YOUR FAMILY? Here are some tips for helping your family effectively navigate Coronavirus…

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How to Improve Kids’ Sleep Hygiene

Do your children have trouble falling or staying asleep? Do your kids feel sleepy during the day? It doesn’t matter your age—if you don’t get enough quality sleep, you are more likely to feel tired as you go about your day. That’s why it’s important to practice good sleep hygiene. “Sleep hygiene” refers to good sleep habits. Parents should aim to establish healthy sleep habits for their children, especially since children require additional sleep for their growth and development. Healthy, quality sleep is important for your children’s physical and mental health; in can improve their mood, productivity, and alertness. Don’t worry—just like eating well, being active, and doing homework, good sleep habits can become part of your routine. Here are some tips to help your children feel more restful, agreeable, and ready to confront the many challenges of the day…

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